ERS08 Physiology Of Thyroid Flashcards
Thyroid gland
- one of largest endocrine gland
- C5-T1
- behind Sternohyoid + Sternothyroid
- wrap around Cricoid cartilage, superior tracheal ring
- Blood supply: Superior + Inferior thyroid arteries (ECA)
- Venous drainage: Superior + Middle + Inferior thyroid veins
- Highly vascular
- Ductless
Lobules of gland:
- Follicles (structural unit of thyroid)
—> each follicle lined by simple layer epithelium by ***Principal cells surrounding colloid-filled core
—> colloid: Iodinated thyroglobulin (precursor to thyroid hormones)
Principal cells:
- Colloid, thyroid hormones production
- Functionally polarised, each side of membrane has specific function (synthesis of thyroid hormones + release)
Parafollicular cells (C cells): - Calcitonin production
Blood capillaries:
- deliver Iodine to Principal cell
- carry thyroid hormones away from gland
Hormones from Thyroid gland
- Calcitonin
- Parafollicular cells
- ***Peptide hormone (32 a.a.)
- Regulation of Ca metabolism (esp. blood Ca level) - Triiodothyronine (T3)
- Thyroxine (T4)
- from Thyroglobulin (134 Tyrosine residues)
- Principal cells
- from 2x Tyrosine a.a. —> bind covalently to ***Iodine
- ***Peptide hormone
- ***Poorly water-soluble —> bound to carrier protein in blood
- Growth, development, control of body temp, energy levels through control of basal metabolic processes
- seafood, seaweed, dairy food (min 150 µg / day, higher requirement in pregnancy)
- taking KI with ACE inhibitor, K-sparing diuretics —> ↑ risk of hyperkalaemia
- Peptide hormone
- Synthesised as large precursor molecules
—> process to mature peptide hormone
—> packed into vesicles and stored
—> released upon stimulation
- Rising / High [Ca] in plasma —> detected by ***CaSR (Calcium sensing receptor, a ***GPCR) —> responsible for molecular process of Ca sensing on Parafollicular cells —> trigger IP3/Ca signaling pathway —> Phospholipase C activation —> IP3 —> Ca release from ER —> Calcitonin secretion
Physiological effects:
- Net ↓ plasma [Ca]
Calcitonin receptors:
- mediated by high affinity Calcitonin receptor (GPCR family)
1. Osteoclasts
—> binding of Calcitonin inhibits osteoclasts motility + induce osteoclasts retraction
—> mediated by cAMP/PKA pathway
—> inhibit bone resorption + allow osteoblasts come in for bone formation/lock Ca in bone
—> ↑ Ca stored
—> ↓ plasma Ca level
- Kidney
—> Inhibit renal tubular Ca reabsorption + ↓ Calcitrol
—> ↑ Ca excretion + ↓ Rate of intestinal absorption - Intestinal effect (Indirect)
—> ↓ Calcitrol from Kidney
—> ↓ Rate of intestinal absorption
Thyroid hormones
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid axis
Parvocellular neurons of Paraventricular nucleus (PVN) (Hypothalamus)
—> TRH (Thyrotropin-releasing hormone)
—> Thyrotrophs in Anterior pituitary (bind to GPCR (Gαq))
—> TSH release
—> TSH receptor
—> Stimulate synthesis + secretion of thyroid hormones from Follicular cells
Thyroid hormone synthesis + secretion under -ve feedback (short, long loop) by Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid axis
(Dopamine, Somatostatin, Glucocorticoid can inhibit TSH from Anterior pituitary)
TSH and TSH receptor
- Heterodimer (1α, 1β subunit)
- Hypophysiotropic peptide
TSH receptor:
- basolateral membrane of thyroid follicular cells
Binding of TSH to TSH receptor
—> Gαs + Gαq activation
—> Adenyl cyclase + PLC activation
—> cAMP + PLC (IP3, DAG) signalling
cAMP (Gαs):
- ↑ Differentiation, Growth of Thyroid gland
- ***Thyroglobulin production and secretion into colloid
- ***Thyroid peroxidase production
- **Na/I symporter (NIS) expression on **basolateral membrane of Principal cells
- **Pendrin (Iodide transporter) translocation to **apical membrane of Principal cells
PLC (Gαq):
1. ***H2O2 generation by Dual oxidase
***Synthesis and Secretion of Thyroid hormones (T3, T4)
- Uptake of Iodide from blood by ***NIS (basolateral membrane)
- cotransport 2 Na ions + 1 Iodide ion
- Na gradient: Driving force (created by Na/K ATPase: Na pump back to blood) - Efflux of Iodide into follicular lumen via ***Pendrin
- Iodide **oxidised to Iodine and rapidly organified by incorporation into selected tyrosyl residues of Thyroglobulin
—> **Organification
—> form mono-iodotyrosine (MIT) + di-iodotyrosine (DIT) on Thyroglobulin
—> **catalysed by Thyroid peroxidase (with presence of **H2O2) - Coupling reaction
- T4 formed from 2x DIT
- T3 formed from MIT + DIT
—> T3, T4 still attached to Thyroglobulin
—> stored in follicle as colloid (for ~2-3 months) - T3, T4 liberated from Thyroglobulin scaffold before secreted as free hormone in blood
—> require endocytosis of Iodinated Thyroglobulin from apical membrane (成舊野食翻落Follicular cell)
—> ***digestion by Lysosomes (remaining MIT, DIT on Thyroglobulin will be deiodinated intracellularly —> Iodide transported back to colloid via Pendrin for reuse)
—> free T3, T4
—> T4»_space;> T3 (40 fold in plasma conc) - Circulating thyroid hormones bind to carrier protein
- Thyroxine-binding globulin (~70%)
- Albumin (~15%)
- Transthyretin (~10%)
- unbound (0.05%)
—> ensure circulating reserve + delay metabolic clearance of hormone
—> only unbound hormone are bioavailable
—> clinical measurement: measure total T4 instead of unbound T4 (in absence of protein binding abnormality) + measure binding protein level
Changes in binding protein level:
- ↑ binding protein —> ↓ free thyroid hormone —> stimulate TSH release
- ↓ binding protein (chronic liver disease) —> ↑ free thyroid hormone —> suppress TSH release —> ↓ thyroid hormone synthesis and release
- Active biological half life
- T4: 7 days
- T3: 1 day
Assessment of Thyroid activity
Radioactive Iodine uptake
Normal Thyroid gland: uptake 10-35% of radioactive iodine through NIS
Abnormal Thyroid gland: higher/lower uptake (Hyperactivation / Hypoactivation of Thyroid gland)
MOA of Thyroid hormones
T4: prohormone
T3: active hormone
—> T4 needs to be deiodinated to T3 by ***Deiodinase within target cells before interact with Thyroid hormone receptor (THR)
T4, T3 enters cell via transporter (carrier-mediated)
—> T4 deiodinated into T3 via Deiodinase I / II
—> T3 interact with THR (Nuclear receptor)
—> THR function as transcription factor
—> bind to TRE (Thyroid Hormone Response Element) on target gene
—> transcriptional regulation of target gene
2 THR identified (***Nuclear receptor family):
- THRα
- THRβ
THR expressed in all tissues (act on ALL cells / tissues!!!)
- THRα: ***Peripheral tissue + Brain (brain, heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, liver)
- THRβ: ***CNS (brain, pituitary, retina, inner ear, lung)
***Function of Thyroid hormones
Primary function:
- 記: Metabolism + Growth + Development
- Maintain normal cellular metabolic activity (transcription of Na/K-ATPase —> oxygen consumption, protein synthesis / degradation, growth, differentiation)
Nervous system:
1. **Promote fetal, post-natal CNS development
—> influence neuronal migration, myelination, axonal growth and development
2. **Enhance SNS activity —> wakefulness, alertness, responsiveness towards stimuli
CVS (mainly T3, no deiodinase in cardiomyocyte):
1. **Regulates genes important for myocardial contraction, electrochemical signalling
—> ↑ SERCA, ↑ β1 receptors, ↓ phospholamban
—> ↑ HR, stroke volume, contractility
—> ↑ CO
2. **Vasodilation —> ↓ systemic vascular resistance
Skeletal muscle:
- Muscle mass development
- Differentiation of contractile characteristics of skeletal muscle
1. ***↑ Bone growth / turnover rate via activation of osteoblasts + osteoclasts
- ***↑ Glucose absorption
- ↑ Rate of digestive enzymes secretion
- ***↑ GI motility
Adipose tissue
- ***↑ Thermogenesis
- ***↑ Weight loss in brown adipose tissue
- ↑ Catecholamine-mediated lipolysis by ↑ β-adrenoceptor expression
- Induce O2 utilisation by metabolically active tissue —> ↑ energy expenditure, basal metabolic rate
- ↓ Cholesterol
- Regulate epidermal cell proliferation and homeostasis
Disorders related to Thyroid hormones
- Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis)
- Hypothyroidism
- Resistance to Thyroid hormone (RTH)
Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis)
- Can occur during pregnancy: hCG from embryo turn on thyroid function for fetal growth
- Graves’ disease: autoimmune disease by ***Thyroid-stimulating Ig (TSI)
—> mimic TSH
—> continuously stimulate thyroid hormone production
Signs and Symptoms:
- ***Intolerance to heat, Facial flushing (∵ too much heat production)
- ***Palpitation (Rapid, Irregular heart beat), Cardiac hypertrophy
- ***Weight loss (∵ lipolysis)
- Bulging eyeballs (Graves’ ophthalmopathy) (AutoAb attack fibroblasts in eye muscle —> differentiate into fat cells, muscle —> inflammation —> edema around eye area)
- Diarrhoea
- Weakness of bone / muscle (Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis: secondary to hyperthyroidism ∵ ↑GFR, ↑Angiotensin, ↑Aldosterone —> Hypokalaemia —> Respiratory failure, Arrhythmia)
- ***Tremor
- only occur in Graves’, result of hyperplasia + hypertrophy of gland
- also occur in **Primary Hypothyroidism —> ∵ High TSH from pituitary
- Autoimmune inflammatory reaction —> Atrophy of glands
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Goitre) - Congenital diseases
- Cretinism - most severe form of hypothyroidism from poor development of thyroid gland —> associated with severe mental retardation and learning disability (∵ retarded nervous system growth / development)
- Gene mutation involved in thyroid hormone production - Medical treatment
- surgical removal of Thyroid gland - Iodine deficiency
Signs and Symptoms:
- ***Intolerance to cold, subnormal temperatures
- ***Extreme fatigue
- ***Weight gain
- ***Deep cocky voice (∵ deposition of mucopolysaccharides along vocal cord)
- Constipation
- ***Slow heartbeat
- Dry skin with brittle and thick nails (∵ retarded epidermal proliferation)
- ***Muscle weakness
- ***Delayed bone development
- ***Myxedema (∵ deposition of mucopolysaccharides in dermis —> swelling mucosal membrane, skin)
- **Goitre (occur in **Primary Hypothyroidism —> ∵ High TSH from pituitary)
Resistance to Thyroid hormone (RTH)
Mutation in THR α / β
—> reduction / lack of end-organ responsiveness to Thyroid hormone
—> symptoms of TH excess (in CNS) / deficiency (in periphery)
THRα mutation:
—> Peripheral + Brain
—> Resistance —> ∴ Hypothyroidism symptoms
—> ***Near-normal level of T3, T4 + Normal TSH (∵ not involved)
1. Delayed bone development
2. Chronic constipation
3. Slow heart rate
4. Impaired neural development, abnormal cortical layering, abnormal cerebellum development
THRβ mutation:
—> CNS
—> **Impaired negative feedback (∵ impaired HPT axis)
—> **↑ T3, T4, TSH
1. Goitre (∵ ↑ TSH)
2. Fast heart rate (∵ ↑ T3)
3. Impaired neural development, abnormal cortical layering, abnormal cerebellum development