Errors1-2022/20jan-29,31Jan,14abr Flashcards
I put on my coat and gloves before leaving/going out.
ME PONGO el abrigo y los guantes antes de salir.
- the reflexive verb is PONERSE
antes de (que) - can require subj, but if no change of subject, then no que and use inf
Cavities may cause pain.
Las caries pueden causar dolor.
(KAH-ryehs) ryehs sounds like two syllables
Does not follow loner tule which would be masculine
After my mom fell, her back hurt her. She had a pain in her back.
Después de que mi mamá se cayera, le dolía la espalda. Ella tenía un dolor en la espalda.
doler - verb - to hurt/ache
el dolor - noun - the pain
después de que-use subj if in past or future, use indic if in present
The flight delay is due to the hurricane passing through the coast.
La demora del vuelo se debe/es debido al huracán que está pasando por la costa.
deberse = to be due to
deber = to owe (and others)
debido a que = because
Debo hacerlo ahora debido a que tengo mucho otro trabajo. I must do it now because I have a lot of other work to do.
You have to remember that both the serpent and the snake are feminine.
Hay que recordar que/Debe recordar que/tienes que recordar que - tanto la serpiente como la culebra son femeninas.
Valene likes different types of salt.
I like salt and pepper on my food.
A Valene le gustan los diferentes tipos de sales.
gustar is conjugated to reflect what is being liked (tipos is plural so gustar is plural, gustar)
the pronoun reflects who is doing the liking - Valene is singular, thus le which is singular!
- the structure los xxx de xxx does not have an article
las casas de madera, los tipos de carros, los árboles de piña
Me gusta la sal y la pimienta en mi comida.
“en” as preposition is often location
Most compound words in Spanish are masculine and are formed by taking the verb and then adding the plural noun (very rarely is it in singular).
dishwashers, windshield, windshield wipers
La mayoría de las palabras compuestas en español son masculinas y se forman tomando el verbo y añadiendo después el sustantivo plural (muy raramente es en singular). los lavaplatos el parabrisas el-los limpiaparabrisas Bridas=breeze
the umbrella the life jacket the dishwashers the windshield the windshield wiper the windshield wipers
el paraguas el salvavidas los lavaplatos el parabrisas el-los limpiaparabrisas
I have seen various pyramids in Egypt, Sudan, Guatemala and Mexico.
the pyramid
He visto varias pirámides de Egipto, Sudán, Guatemala y México.
la pirámide pee-RAH-mee-deh
- exception to the LONER = M rule
Rye roots can be very deep.
the root
Las raíces del centeno pueden ser muy profundas.
centeno - (sehn-TEH-noh) - think send tea, no, send rye la raíz - trilled rrrr remember mnemonic - ends in LONER - usually M ends in DANIZÓ - usually F La raíz ends in z thus fem
(Ud.) Sorry for the delay but I spilled the honey and had to clean it up. What a mess!
Disculpe por la demora
Disculpe la demora
Perdón la demora
pero derramé la miel y tuve que limpiarla. ¡Qué lío/relajó!
la demora is LA
derramar - (deh-rrah-MAHR) = to spill
De ram it and spill it
La miel does not follows loner which would be masculine dani’zo is feminine
I want to use sentences that give me problems.
Quiero usar frases que me den problemas. (I do not know which sentences…)
Quiero usar las frases que me dan problemas. (I do know which sentences give me problems.)
I want to use sentences that give me problems. How do you decide whether it is las frases or just frases????? You can use las frases pero you need to know which problems give you a problem, so you can´t use subj you use indicative. But if YOU DO NOT know which sentences give you problems, then you use frases in general without LAS and you use subjective.
Pamela worked in the public health system so that people could have good health.
Pamela trabajaba en el sistema de salud pública para que la gente pudiera tener buena salud.
- so the pattern with tener and an abstract noun is to NOT use the article, yo no tengo paciencia pero Julio tiene
The monkey said, “Fingers and hands are useful”.
El mono dijo: “Los dedos y las manos son útiles”.
Florencia put on her socks.
Florencia se puso los calcetines.