Errors of Use of english Flashcards
You can use WHICH and THAT as a similar word of pronoun and determiner
Different types of wild cats which/that are now extinct, or no longer.
-> WHICH/THAT => used after a noun to show what thing or things you mean.
Those who have seen it say that it is very impressive, showing animals such us horses, rhinos and cows, and that the artwork is good enough to _____ modern compositions.
Rival, becase it is not linked with “with!.
“Compare” and “complete” requiere “with” in this context (e.g “compete with something”). “Oppose” would mean to be against something (negative meaning).
-> Using “rival” implies that the artwork can compete with or challenge the quality of modern compositions
-> “Match” is a good choice because it means to equal or be comparable in quality to something else. Here, it suggests that the artwork is of high quality, on par with modern compositions.
To first scientists to ______ the Chauvet paintings missed some other important details however.
-> Reach
This is the only word with the meaning “to discover, to see for the fist time”.
The walls of the cave are also marked with a series of lines and symbols, that were initially _______ as insignificant.
The only option that can be followed by “as”. “Believed” and “thought” are normally followed by “to be”. She is believed to be the best specialist in the field.
On these trips, you have the chance to go over the side of the boat and, equipped ________ a wetsuit, mask and snorkel, spend time in the water alongside the animals.
answer: With
“Equipped with” is used when talking about articles of clothing or necessary things, in this case - a mask, a snorkel and so on.
Seals are extremely inquisitive creatures and, once you’re in the water, they will swim past you trying to work OUT who you are and WHAT you’re doing there. _______ they can appear shy at first, seals soon GET used to you being in the water, and will come and play around you.
-> A linking word used to contrast two parts of the following sentences. Remember that in your answer sheet all of the letters have to be capital, the capitalisation here is to indicate that it’s the first word of the sentence
After his first appearance in Dr.No (1962) the Queen’s number one spy has TRAVELED to more places, romanced more women, escaped from more dangerous situations and saved the world more time ____
Than _> is a kind of superlative, make comparisons to no one but convey the idea of a big action
After his first appearance in Dr.No (1962) the Queen’s number one spy has TRAVELED to more places, romanced more women, escaped from more dangerous situations and saved the world more time ____
Than _> is a kind of superlative, make comparisons to no one but convey the idea of a big action
differences between although and despite
“Although” and “despite” are both used to express contrast, but they have different structures and are used with different parts of speech:
Although (a pesar de) A conjunction that connects two ideas that are in opposition. It's always followed by a subject and verb. For example, "Although Tina was very tired, she couldn't sleep last night".
A preposition that indicates contrast and is always followed by a noun, pronoun, or gerund. For example, “Despite the rain, we enjoyed the festival”.
Baseball is America’s national sport. But, __________ it originated in the USA, baseball is played in many other countries, especially in Central and South America and Japan.
A baseball field is divided ______ two parts.
“Divided into two parts”: The preposition “into” indicates transformation or separation from one whole into distinct sections or categories. Here, “into” emphasizes the process of dividing the field to create two separate parts.
“Divided in two parts”: The preposition “in” here is less common and may sound awkward to native speakers in this context. “In” often suggests location or state, as in “within” or “inside.” So, “in two parts” can imply that the field is in a state that involves two parts, rather than showing the act of dividing it.
A baseball field is divided _____two parts. The infield has the shape of a diamond and is bordered by the bases that runners run around. A few players stand in the grassy outfield and wait to catch the ball _________ letting it drop on the ground.
The batter tries to run around the bases as ____ as possible.
Exactly! You’ve got it.
"Quickly" is an adverb, so it describes the verb "run" (telling us how the batter runs). "Quick" is an adjective, so it describes nouns (like "a quick runner").
In this case, since we’re describing how the batter runs, we need the adverb “quickly”. Great job understanding the difference!
Even ____ American youngsters have the right to vote at 18, they can’t legally drink alcohol ___ they reach the age of 21.
The word “until” is used to express a time limit or end point when something will change. Here’s why it’s the best choice compared to “unless” or “even”:
"Until" indicates a time limit or deadline: It means they can’t drink alcohol up to the point when they turn 21. After that age, they are allowed to drink legally. "Unless" introduces a condition, meaning "except if": If we say, "they can’t drink unless they reach 21," it changes the meaning, implying that drinking could be legal in other circumstances if that condition (age 21) is met, which isn’t the intent here.
Families often ______ church services with their 15-year-old daughters and afterwards have parties with many guests.
Here’s why “attend” works better than “take” or “book”:
"Attend" means to go to an event or gathering (like church services), so it fits naturally here. "Take" usually means to bring someone or something along or to move from one place to another: "Take" would change the meaning, implying that families are bringing something or someone to the church rather than participating in the service. "Book" means to reserve a time or place: "Book" doesn’t work here because it suggests reserving a spot rather than actually being present at the service.
Until recently young people in Saudi Arabia ____ considered adults at the age of 15 - a time when they started showing physical signs ____ becoming an adult.
- Why “were” instead of present tense“Were” is in the past tense because it refers to a practice or belief that has now changed.
When we say “until recently,” we’re talking about something that used to be true but isn’t necessarily true now.
By using the past tense (“were considered adults”), the sentence shows that young people in Saudi Arabia are no longer considered adults at age 15, as they might have been in the past. - Why “of” instead of “on”“Signs of” is a fixed phrase in English that means indications or characteristics of something.
“Signs of becoming an adult” refers to the traits or markers associated with maturing into adulthood.
“Signs on” wouldn’t fit here, as it typically suggests something physical being placed on a surface (like “a sign on the wall”) rather than describing qualities or characteristics.
So, “were” is correct to indicate a past practice, and “of” is correct because it fits the phrase “signs of,” which describes characteristics associated with becoming an adult.
There’s also a rock festival called “Brighton Live” with rock bands from all ____ Britain.
answer: over
the phrase “all over Britain” is effective because “all over” conveys wide geographic distribution. It suggests that the rock bands come from various regions, not just one part of Britain.
____ that sounds like you, then maybe it’s time you got your own telescope. Astronomy is a great hobby and here ____ a few tips for those of you who are thinking of taking it up.
In this sentence:
"\_\_\_\_ that sounds like you, then maybe it's time you got your own telescope. Astronomy is a great hobby and here \_\_\_\_ a few tips for those of you who are thinking of taking it up."
Why “If” fits in the first blank
"If" introduces a conditional statement, which makes sense here because the sentence is directed at people who might relate to the description. "If that sounds like you" means "if you are the kind of person interested in astronomy," so "if" sets up the condition for the suggestion that follows.
Why “are” fits in the second blank
The phrase "here are a few tips" introduces a list of recommendations or advice. We use "are" (instead of "is") because "a few tips" is plural.
So, “if” is suitable to set up the condition, and “are” is correct because it agrees with the plural noun “tips.”
You can still see a lot, as ___ as you don’t expect to see so much detail.
“Long” works well here because the phrase “as long as” means “provided that” or “on the condition that.”
you need to choose _____ a refracting and a reflecting telescope.
“Between” is correct here because it’s used to indicate a choice involving two distinct options.
You should have ___ difficulty finding Mars and even Saturn with its famous rings.
“No” is correct here because “no difficulty” means “no trouble or problems” in finding Mars and Saturn. It emphasizes that it should be easy to locate them.
But, if you really want to explore the universe , then you ____ need a reflecting telescope.
The sentence suggests that if someone is serious about exploring the universe, a reflecting telescope will be required in the future to achieve this goal. Using “will” emphasizes this need confidently.
You can identify the future simple tense here by the structure “will + need.” In English, we use this tense (with “will”) to describe:
Future actions that haven't happened yet. Certainties or necessities in the future.
In this sentence:
"if you really want to explore the universe, then you will need a reflecting telescope,"
we’re talking about something necessary in the future (needing a reflecting telescope) if the person wants to explore. The use of “will” signals that this need is not immediate but rather a future requirement.
These telescopes are much ____ at collecting light and will allow you to see things in detail.
“Better” is a good choice here because it’s used to make a comparison.
In the sentence:
"These telescopes are much better at collecting light..."
“better” suggests that these telescopes are more effective at collecting light than other types. It emphasizes the improved quality and performance of these telescopes for detailed viewing.
Fitness experts are now telling us that cycling is one of the best forms of exercise. As _____ as making you stronger and more energetic, cycling also helps to improve your breathing.
Answer: WELL
-> “as well as” is a good choice because it introduces an additional benefit of cycling in a clear and natural way.
-> So, “as well as” is perfect for listing multiple positive effects of cycling.
Not only ____ correct breathing help your lungs develop, but it is also good for your general well-being
Answer: DOES
-> Not only does correct breathing help your lungs develop, but it is also good for your general well-being.
-> “does” is used because this sentence uses inversion for emphasis.
But for cycling to have the right effect _____ the body,
-> “on the body” is correct because it implies impact or influence on something external.
->”Effect on” is a common phrase used to describe how something influences or impacts an object or person.
But the inventor of something called the Gesture Interface has 2 _____ up with a way of doing this using only something we’ve 3 _____ around with us for millions of years – our hands.
2 -> come up =. (of an issue, situation, or problem) occur or present itself, especially unexpectedly.
“the subject has not yet come up”
3 -> carried around = ‘To carry around’ means to have something on you, ready to be used.
The idea is 4 _____ on simple technology that is already in existence. 5 _____ carrying around the usual hardware, you have a small wearable device on your hands.
5 -> Instead of -> A replacement to the ‘usual hardware’ is suggested. ‘Along with’ would mean in addition to the usual hardware – something that is not implied.
4 -> Is based
This contains a projector, a camera and wireless technology to 6 _____ you to the Web. It also has sensors which read and interpret simple hand gestures.
6 -> connect. ‘Sign’ and ‘log’ require ‘in’ following it. ‘Download’ doesn’t make sense in this context.
To be honest, we probably 9 _____ more thought into looking cool than we do into ensuring that the glasses match our needs.
9 -> put. ‘To put thought into something’ is to give something consideration, to think about something, or to be interested in it.
“Put thought into something” means to consider, contemplate, or deliberate on something. Here are some synonyms for “put thought into something”:
ponder, meditate on, reflect on, cogitate, deliberate, study, concentrate upon, puzzle over, examine, and weigh.
13 _____ you may still want to choose a pair of sunglasses that look good on you, it’s also crucial to check out just how effective they will be in protecting your eyes.
although/though/while. Any of the three conjunctions can be used with the meaning remaining unchanged – adding contrast to the the sentence.<
Although/Though/While are conjunctions that express contrast.
They show that, despite the first idea (choosing stylish sunglasses), the second idea (checking their protective quality) is more important or needs attention.
There are three types of light 14 _____ can harm the human eye.
- which. The determiner here is used to add extra information to the previous clause. ‘That’ is not normally used when you are being specific – like in this case, talking about three particular types of light.<
Why “which” is the right choice:“Which” is a relative pronoun that refers back to a noun (“types of light” in this case).
It introduces a clause that describes or specifies more about the types of light.
Relative pronoun + verb: "which can harm the human eye" tells us more about "types of light."
Main clause: There are three types of light. Relative clause: which can harm the human eye.
Together, they form a complete sentence that means:
There are three specific types of light that have the potential to damage the eye.
Andreas doesn’t like people to interrupt him when he’s speaking.
Andreas ____________ him when he is speaking
Andreas ____________ him when he is speaking
Andreas objects to people interruptinng
Could you identify what type of grammar is this?
“My brother does not earn nearly so much now as he did when he was younger,”
Comparatives and Modifiers
Specifically, you’ll want to focus on:
Key Takeaways:
Use "" for positive comparisons (e.g., "She is as tall as her brother."). Use "" only in negatives or questions (e.g., "She is not so tall as her brother."). Avoid doubling modifiers (e.g., don’t say "as colder as"—use "as cold as"). Drop unnecessary articles like "the" before time expressions (e.g., "last year," "last week").
2) They are demolishing the old bus station and replacing it with a new one.
The old bus station is ……………………………. with a new one.
The old bus station is being pulled down and replaced. with a new one.
pulled down -> demolish
passive voice