Errors and Awareness Flashcards
What is Situational Awareness?
The process of maintaining an accurate mental model and requires conscious effort to maintain.
What are the fundamental concept of multi crew environment?
Cooperation and Communication
What is Self Concept?
Self concept is how people see themselves
What is the view of ideal self?
The view of how the person would like to be
What is the hierarchy of needs?
The hierarchy of needs is the steps to self actualisation and the steps needed to progress up the chain.
What are the six attiudes which are hazerdous to aviation:
- Anti-authoritarium
- Impulsivness
- Invulnerabiltiy
- Excessive self esteem
- Resignation
- Complacency
The Automatic Nervous System (ANS) controls the?
Involuntary functions of the body
What are the two sub catagories of ANS that work opposite to each other?
Sympathetic System and Parasympathetic system
The Alarm Reaction is?
The alarm reaction is when the body prepares itself to either fight or run, and prepares for an increase in physiological activity.
What is the definition of a group?
A group is two or more people who share:
- Charicteristics
- Goals
- Values
- Motives
What is Group Think?
When members of a group conform to the group for the sake of conformity and afraid to go against the grain for their own belifs
What five featurs is group think marked by?
- The group making the decision is usually very cohesive
- The group tends to be insulated from external information
- The decision makers fail to systematically examine all the possibilities
- The group is under pressure to reach a decision
- The group is nearly always dominated by a very directive leader
What is the definition of Risky Shift?
When the group come to a more dangerous solution based on a the groups decisin that an individual may not have come to.
What are the four main areas of communication?
- Instrumental Communication
- Informative Communication
- Ritual Communication
- Persuasive Communication
What is the definition of **Instrumental **Communication?
Instrumental communication has objective of obtaining something such as asking for the Load sheet from the dispatcher
What is **Informative **Communication?
Informative information is concerned with discovery or explanation such as asking for a revised approach time.
What is Ritual Communication
Ritual Communication is something that is done in the event of something such as saying hello to the captain.
What is **Persuasive **communicaiton?
Persuasive communication is where a message is passed on to some one to persuade them to do or not do something.
What factors influence the effectiveness and reliability of communicaiton?
- Intelligibility
- Ambiguity
- Uniqueness
- The amount of information
- Using a mixture of languages
What is an authoritarian leader?
An excessivlely obiquious to their superiors in power and status, while being excessivly strict to their subordinates.
What is a peternilistic Leader?
Is highly conscious of his status and position, will not welcome any attempt to question his decision. Will praise his crew as long as they carried out his orders.
What is a laissz-fair leadership?
Someone who wants to be left alone allowing his crew to do as they wish and fails to exerise any form of control over them, capable professinoal subordinates will make up for his lack of ability.
What is perceived ability?
Is tied with status, in the airline environment a junior FO will have much more difficulty in voicing reservation to a very senior captain that another captain or senior FO would.
What are the qualities of a good leader?
- Good Judgment
- Intelligence
- A strong sense of responsibility
- Demonstrated Achievement
- Co-operative and understanding
What are the 5 traits of personality?
- Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Neuroticism
- Openness to Expereince
What is the hawkins model?
The Hawkins model is a hierachy of requirements, once the one below is filled then a person moves to the one above.
What are the six traits of hazerdous behaviour?
- Anti-Authoritarian
- Impulsiveness
- Sense of invulnerability
- Excessive Self Esteem
- Resignation
- Complacency
What is the definition of an anti-authoritarian behaviour?
A natural desire to oppose regulation and peopl ein position of responsibility. Frequently scornful of new regulation and openly critical of their superirors.
This can lead to disregard for regulation and procedures
What is the definition of impulsive behaviour?
Impulsive behaviour is the result of an inability to stem and control urges and impulses. This will cause people to jump to conclusions, inititate actions without due thought for the consequences.
What are the traits of the behavour, Sense of Invulnerability
It is an unhealthy form of egotism, stems from a misplaced belief in ones own ability to avoid mishap.
What is teh definition of Excessive Self Esteem?
Other wise knonw as pride, conceit or arrogance. Such people will try to out do their piers and prove they are better.
What is the definitino of Resigned behaviour?
The tendency to underestimate onces influence on the outcome of events and will resign to avoiding making decisions and assuming responsibility.
What is the definition of the **Complacency **Behviour type?
A dangerous combination of confidence and contentment. It can lead to reduced risk awareness and is often associated with higher level of experience and over familiraty with the situation.
What is the **Alarm **Reaction?
The Alarm Reaction is when the body prepares its self for physical exercsion to either fight or run. And part of the General Adoption Syndrome
What are environmental stresses?
- excessive heat,
- noise,
- vibration
- low humidity
What are the four areas stress can be classified in?
- Cognitive
- Behavioural
- Physiological
- Personality
What is Action Coping in regards to stress managment?
When an individual takes positive action to cope with the source of stress, This could be:
- Removing oneself from the situation
- Addressing teh problem
- Altering the situation
What is the definition of cognitive coping in regards to stress managment?
Involved reducing the perceived demand:
- The positive action would be to rationalising the problem to bolster ones confidence
- The unhealthy option would be denial of the situation and fail to acknowledge that it exists. This occurs when an individual is already overloaded
What is Symptom Directed Coping in regards to stress managment?
This method involves treating the symptom by meditation or exercise. The negative would be treatment through drugs and alchol. This is when the stress is unavoidable such as the death of a loved one.
What is Chronic Fatigue?
Extends over a long period of time and often has physiological cause, can be brought on by continuous strain.
What is Acute Fatigue?
Short lived fatigue and is acepted as a normal part of everyday life. Can be caused by lack of sleep or periods of streneous work out.