A person can be exposed to a hazardous material such as radiological material through four routes of entry:
Inhalation Ingestion Absorption Penetration/Injection. Sec 1.2.1
Our bunker gear with SCBA donned can protect us from what type of radiation ?
It is an Inhalation Hazard
Sec Table 1
What type of Radiation can penetrate skin up to a 1/4 “ ?
Sec Table 1
What can shield us from GAMMA particles ?
Several inches of: • Lead • Concrete • Steel Foot of dirt or water Sec Table 1
What can shield us from Alpha particles ?
Intact skin
Inches of air
Sheet of paper
Sec Table 1
What can shield us from Beta particles ?
Approximately 1 inch: • Plastic • Aluminum • Glass Sec Table 1
A member person operating in an environment with the meter reading 50 mR/hr will receive a dose
of 50 mR if operating for 1 hour in that environment, or 25 mR if operating for ½ hour,
the duration of one SCBA bottle.
Agree or Disagree
Sec 1.4
Rad 50 measures rate or dose ?
Rate (Dose-Rate)
• How fast the radiation energy is deposited, e.g. MPH – speedometer reading
• Measured in microRem/hr (μR/hr), milliRem/hr (mR/hr), or Rem/hr
Sec 1.4.2
Normal background radiation rate for the NYC area is
0.02 mR/hr to 0.05 mR/hr (20 μR/hr to 50
Sec 2
Unit must carry the Rad50 when:
• Out of quarters • Performing AFID • Responding to Complaints • During the assessment of emergencies and fires Sec 2.1
A Radiological Incident encompasses a situation where radiological meter readings are
Above background from a ** legitimate source** and the source has not been released from its
The source may also be a naturally emitting source. Readings must be confirmed by a second meter to establish the situation as a Radiological Incident.
Sec 2.2
How is a Radiological Incident Handled ? 5 steps
Managing a Radiological Incident
A. Confirm initial readings with a second meter
B. Determine the location of the radioactive source
C. Verify that the situation involves a legitimate source, which has not been released from its container
D. Transmit the appropriate 10-80 code
E. Zero out and don dosimeter ( specifies also for emergency sec 4.4)
Sec 2.2.2
Special Call a Haz-Mat Tech Unit to respond with other radiological metering
devices for events involving legitimate sources emitting When ??
Radiation levels greater than the Rad50 can detect.
For example, a package shipped according to DOT
guidelines can emit radiation levels as high as 200 mR/hr at the surface of the
Sec 2.2.2
A Radiological Emergency involves a source that is What ??
Readings must be confirmed by a second meter to establish the situation as a Radiological Emergency. Transmit the appropriate 10-80 code and specify “For a
Radiological Emergency.”
Out of its container, either
accidentally or intentionally. A Radiological Emergency also encompasses a situation
where radiological meter readings are above what is expected for a specific location.
Sec 2.3
What is a RID ? What is the greatest danger ?
RID – Radiological Incendiary Device
• Radiological material involved in an intentionally set fire, also called “dirty fire”
• This type of an attack is used to delay First Responders
• The greatest dangers is from the expanding fire
• Expect contamination with potential internal and external exposures
Sec 2.3.2