Erickson's stages of development Flashcards
1- Hopes: trust vs. mistrust stage
Age 0-18 months
“Can I trust the world?”
Understanding of world comes from parental/caregiver interactions
Goal: trust
2- Will: autonomy vs shame/doubt stage
Age 18 months to 3 yrs
Is it ok to be me?
Gaining motor skills - explore surroundings to learn
Parents provide security and allow exploration
Preferences emerge
Start taking care of own needs
Goal: autonomy
3- Purpose: initiative vs guilt stage
Age 3-5 yrs
Is it ok for me to do, move, and act?
Assert self more frequently
Take initiative
Goal: sense of intiative, assertiveness, leadership, ability to make own decisions
4- Competence: industry vs inferiority stage
Age 5-13 yrs
Can I make it in the world of people and things?
Developing sense of pride in accomplishments
Intitate projects and finish them
Teachers assume important role
Peer interaction is important
Child needs to experience success
Goal: feeling accomplishment/success
5- Fidelity: identity vs role confusion stage
Age 13-22 yrs
Who am I? What can I be?
Search for identity
Increased independence
TIme to see self as separate from parents
Thinking about future - career, relationship, children
Goal: having a sense of who the person is
6- Love: intimacy vs isolation stage
Age 22-39 yrs
Forming strong relationsihps
Goal: formation of meaningful relationships
7- Care: generativity vs stagnation stage
Age 40-65 yrs
Building on lives
Focus on career and family
Caring for others
Bettering society
If unable or unwilling - conflict - “midlife crisis” - attempt to regain past
Overcommitment - lack of time for self
Goal: proud of self and others’ accomplishments
8- Wisdom: ego integrity vs. despair
Age 78 yrs and on
Is it ok to have been me?
Goal: ego integrity - coming to terms with own life, sense of fulfillment