Eric Flashcards
How is Eric described in the stage directions of act 1?
‘not quite at easy, half shy, half assertive’
What does Eric say, at the start of act 1, that suggests that Sheila has a bad temper and why is this important
‘Shes got a nasty temper sometimes’
- This is important as it is Sheilas bad temper that is the cause of Eva being sacked from Milwards
What does Eric say in act 1, that gives us a hint about Sheilas role in Evas death (about clothes)
He says ‘Yes, I remember - (but he checks himself)’
- in response to Birlings comment about womens clothes being a sign of self-respect
Give a quote where Eric is defensive over a light joke and what could this tell us?
‘I dont think its very funny’
- Birling and Gerald made a joke about Eric being in some fishy business. Erics defensiveness could serve as a sense of reflection on his acts
Give a quote that suggests that Eric feels sympathetic towards Eva, after hearing about what had happened to her
‘(involuntarily) My God!’
Give 3 quotes from act 1, where Eric challenges Mr Birling
- ‘It isnt if you cant go and work somewhere else’ (in response to Birling saying that it’s a free country)
- ‘He could have kept her on instead of throwing her out’
- ‘I dont see why she should have been sacked’