Erg Flashcards
Step one:
Identify the material
Use any of the following- Id number (placard,orange panel, shipping paper)
Name of the material-shipping document or package
Step two:
Identify 3 digit guide number:
ID number index
Yellow bordered pages
Name of the material
Blue bordered pages
Guy number supplement with a (P )indicates
That the material may undergo violent polymerization if subject it to heat or contamination
Index entries highlighted in green are
Toxic inhalation hazard material
A chemical warfare Agent
Water reactive material, produces toxic gas upon contact with water
If index entries are highlighted in green identify ID number and name of material in table 1 (what is table one in green pages)
Initial isolation and protective action distances
What page is the protective actions page
288 ( if no protective action guide use information jointly)
It’s a reference to a guide cannot be found in this incident and is believed to involve dangerous goods:
Use guide 111
Use guide 112- explosives other than 1.4 and 1.6
Use guide- 114 other than 1.4 and 1.6
Step three:
Turn to the numbered Guide
Numbered guide is what color
Orange bordered pages
If a plaque heard is the only source of information turn to pages
6-7 and use 3 digit guide next to placard
As a last resort if only the container can be a dinner fied
Consulte table of rail car and road trailer identification charts information associated with these containers is worst-case and scenarios
Call The emergency response telephone number
- Listed on the shipping paper, if available
- If shipping papers not immediately available, immediately call the appropriate emergency response agency telephone number listed on the inside back cover of this guidebook
(Provide as much information as possible such as the name of the carrier i.e. Trucking company and vehicle number)
Safety precautions-
Resist rushing in!
Approach cautiously
Secure the scene
Identify the hazards
Assess the situation
Obtain help
Identify using any of the following
Placards, container labels, shipping Documents, real car and road trailer identification chart, MSDS, knowledge of persons on scene, console application guide page
Assess the situation
Is it a fire spill or leak
What are the weather conditions
What is the terrain like
Who is at risk people property or the environment
What evacuations should be talen
What resources
What can be done immediately
Notification sequence
- notify organization/agency
- call the emergency response telephone number on the shipping document
- national assistance (back cover)
- provide as much information as possible
Hazard classification system class 1
Hazard class 2
Hazard class 3
Flamable liquids
Hazard class 4
Flammable solids; spontaneously combustible materials; dangerous when wet materials/water reactive substances
Hazard class 5
Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
Hazard class 6
Toxic substances and infectious materials
Hazard class 7
Radioactive materials
Hazard class 8
Corrosive substances
Hazard class 9
Miscellaneous hazardous materials/ products, substances or organisms
Class 1 memorization
- 1 e every (explsion haz)
- 2 p00p (projection haz)
- 3 forms (fire haz)
- 4 new (no sig blast hazard)
- 5 vomit (very inseitive expl with mass expl
- 6 insensitivies (extremely insensitive articles)
Class 2 memonic gases
- 1- fucking (flammable)
- 2-new (non flammable,non toxic)
- 3-twat (toxic)
Class 4 memonic
Skip third grade no divisions jn flam liquids
- 1 freaking (flam solids)
- 2 super (spon combustible materials)
- 3 white (water-reactive substances/ dangerous when wet materials)
Class five memonic
Division 5.1- omgs. (Organic substances)
Division 5.2 -organic (peroxides)
Class 6
Division 6.1-T. (Toxic sub)
Division 6.2-I. (Infections)
Beats be infectious
Use the table a Placards only when
The ID or proper shipping name is not available
How to identify placards
- Purchasing from upland a pill or upstream at a safe distance to identify and or read the plaque or an orange panel use binoculars if available
- Match the vehicle Blackard with one of the Blackard’s displayed on the next two pages
- Consult circled got information associated with the Blackard use that guide information for now
- Guides associated are most significant risk
- one specific information such as ID number or proper shipping name becomes available use the more specific Guide
- asterisk on orange placards represent explosives
- Double asterisk on orange placards represent the division of the placard
What do single asterisk represent
Explosive “compatibility group”
Double asterisk on orange placard represent
Division of explosive
Rail- hopper car dry bulk
Rail- box car (normal looking one)
Rail- pressure tank
Compressed liquified gases
Only closed dome
Low pressure tank car
Closed dome and outlets in top
Rail- info stenciled on sides or ends of tank cars may be used to identify the product utilizing:
The commodity name shown or
The other jnformation shown; reporting marks and car number to identify the product through dispatch to id material
Hazard id numbers utilized by european and south american regulations may be found:
In the top half of an orange panel on some intermodal bulk containers
Nations 4 digit id number is on bottom half
Orange panel square intermodal container; in the top half there are
Two or three digits identifying hazards
Intermodal container #2
Emission of gas
3 intermodal
Flamibility liquids
Intermodal #4
Flammability of solids
5 intermodal
Oxidizing (fire intensifying) effect
6- intermodal
Toxicity or risk of infection
7- intermodal numbers
Intermodal 8-
Intermodal - 9
Risk of spontaneous violent reaction
Risk of an explosion disintegration polymerization reaction followed by the release of considerable heat or flammable and or talk to gases is a possibility
Intermodal doubling of digit
Indicates an intensification of a particular hazards
Where the hazard associated with a substance can be adequately indication by a single digit,
the digit is followed by a zero (30, 40, or 50)
Intermodal meaning of x
Substance reacts with water
Hydrogen sulfide
“Sour gas or poison gas”
Natural gas pipe line incidents:
Never attempt to
Extinguish a gas fire; this could prolong or worsen incident causing another leak in a pipeline
Never attempt to operate pipeline valves, this could make the incident worse or make another leak
Signs of gas pipeline rupture
Loud roaring or explosive sound
Large flames and loud roaring noise
For natural gas and pipeline rupture follow these steps
Immediately evacuate area
Move up wind away from flames and prevent individuals from entering
If no flames present do not start vehicles equipment or electrical Quitman like cell phones or pagers as this could start a spark
Abadon equipment used in the area
If Claims present driving away from the area is acceptable
Move far enough from the noise to allow normal conversation
From a safe location call 911
Notify pipeline operator
Anyone of these could indicate a suspected gas pipeline leak
Whistling/hissing sound
Distinctive strong odor similar to Rotten eggs
Dense fog, mist, or white cloud
Bubbling in water ponds are creeks
Dust or dirt flying out from the ground or
Discolored dead vegetation above pipeline right away
Considerations for establishing protective action distance for gas pipeline leak
Type of product, Sour vs sweet
Pressure of pipe
Timing of valve closure by utility(quickly for automated Valse/longer for manually operated valves
Dissipation time of gas and pipe once valves are closed
Heat factor of natural gas
Local variables such as climate weather when’ population density demographics and fire suppression methods available
Nearby building construction/ density
Wildland urban interface
Natural and manmade barriers(highway)
Liquefied pipelines (pretoleum and hazardous liquid pipelines). Two important things to consider
Never attempt to extinguish flame before shutting off supply as this can cause formation of explosive mixtures
Never attends operate pipeline valves this kid prolong or worse in the incident or cause another pipeline leak
Signs of liquid pipeline rupture
Loud roaring hissing or explosive sound or
Large flames and roaring noise
Hissing is keyword
Suspected liquid pipeline leak
Liquid bubbling up from the ground Oil slick on flowing or standing water Flames appearing from the ground Vapor clouds Discolored vegetation or snow Unusual petrroleum, skunk, or rotten egg odor
Initial isolation zone
Defined area surrounding the incident in which persons may be exposed to dangerous (upwind) and life-threatening (downwind) concentrations of material
Protective action zone
Defines an area downwind from the incident in which persons may become incapacitated or unable to take protective action and/or incur serious or irreversible health effects
Protective action distances maybe larger for spells want either the material or outdoor temperature exceeds
Table 3 lists initial isolation and protective action distances for toxic inhalation materials that are more commonly encountered
The selected materials are: hydrous ammonia un1005 Chlorine un1017 Ethylene oxide un1040 Hydrogen chloride un1050 and liquid version un2186 Hydrogen flouride un1052 Sulfer dioxide un1079
Yellow section
Numerical order by id number
4 digit id number of the material followed by its assigned response guide and the material name
Blue section
List dangerous good in alphabetical order.
Name followed by response guide and 4 digit number
Orange section
Most important section
All safety recommendations are provided here
62 individual guides present in two page format
Left hand side safety info
Right hand side provides emergency response guidance for activities such as fire situations, spill or leak incidents and first aid
Each guide is designed to cover a group of materials which possess similar and toxicological characteristics
Orange boarded: each guide is divided into
Theee sections.
1stsection Potential hazards- health effects and fire/explosion hazards (highest potential listed first)
Emergency responder should consult this section first
2nd section Public safety- general info on immediate isolation distance, type of protective clothing and respiratory protection. Evac distances
Direct reader to TIH green page # when material is high lighted in yellow and blue bordered pages
The third section covers emergency response actions
First aid
Special precautions for incidents which involve fire spill or chemical exposure
Green pages small and large definitions
Small-55gallon liquid or less or 660lb solid or less
Large- more than 55 gal or 660 lbs
Solids spilled in water”””
Green page divided
Daytime or nighttime
amount spilled
Toxic inhalation hazard is it gas or volatile liquid which is known to be so toxic to humans as to pose a health hazard during transportation when the absence of adequate data on human toxicity.
Lisa concentration value LC 50 of not more than 5000 ppm
Table 2 green pages
Made for the substance when it is spilled in water
Second name in table 1 under compound name.
Look up water reactive new substance in table 2
Wter flow for a bleve is
5 squared capacity (gal)= gal/min needed to cool tank
Chemical incidents are characterized by
Rapid onset of medical symptoms minutes to hours and easily observed signatures.
Colored residue dead foliage pungent odor dead insects and animals
Biological incidents are characterized by
The onset of symptoms and hours to days. Typically there will be no characteristics signatures because biological agents are usually odorless and colorless. Because of the delayed onset of symptoms and a biological incident the area affected may be greater due to the movement of individuals
Radiological incident are characterized by
the onset of symptoms if any and days to weeks or longer. Typically there will be no characteristic signatures because radioactive material are usually odorless and colorless.
Initial actions to consider in a potential cbrn/hazmat terrorism event
Avoid using cell phones within 300 feet of a suspected device
Notify your local police by calling 911
Set up incident command a plan and uphill the area
Do not touch or move suspicious packages/containers
Because it’s regarding the potential presence of secondary devices
Avoid contamination
Limit access to only those responsible for rescue victims or assessment of unknown materials devices
Evacuate and isolate individuals
Isolate contaminated areas and secure scene for analysis of material
Hypochlorite solution 0.5%
One part bleach to nine parts water
Biological incident should be allowed to contact time of 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing