ER/Golgi transport Flashcards
Golgi order
- Cis-network
- Cis
- Medial
- Trans
- Trans-network (TGN)
Possible destination from the Trans-Golgi-Network (TGN)
—> late endosome —> lysosome
—> constitutive secretion
—> regulated secretion
(Retrograde) to trans-Golgi and beyond
As the golgi cisternae move to their new location…the mature through ?
Retrograde movement of enzymes needed for an earlier compartment
Anterograde movement =
Retrograde movement =
- Cisternal maturation
2. Retrograde vesicles
Three different types of vesicles
- COPII (anterograde)
- COPI (retrograde)
- Clathrin/adapter protein (TGN —> endosome/lysosome & plasma membrane —> endosome)
GTPase for COPII vesicles
GTPase for COPI vesicles
GTPase for all non-COPII vesicles
= COPI + all clathrin vesicles
Trans-golgi —> endosome
Adapter protein?
Clathrin + AP1 complexes (or GGA)
Plasma membrane —> endosome
Adapter proteins?
Clathrin + AP2 complexes
Golgi —> lysosome, melanosome, or platelet vesicles
Adapter proteins?
AP3 complexes
How are integral proteins carried in COPII vesicles from ER —> cis-Golgi
Soluble proteins?
Integral = inserted in the vesicle membrane
Soluble = bind to specific ER membrane-bound receptors
What does the COPII coat protein bind to?
The cytosolic domains of the integral membrane cargo
The receptor for the soluble cargo
The cytosolic domains of the ER membrane…curved nature gives the vesicle a round shape
What happens once the formation of COPII vesicle is complete and pinches off the ER?
The vesicle starts to de-coat (lose the COPII proteins)
Exposes the v-SNAREs proteins in the vesicle membrane
Role of the v-SNAREs
ER —> cis-golgi
Bind to t-SNAREs (target SNAREs)
Mediating vesicle fusion
At this point…
The integral cargo is now integral to the cis-membrane
The soluble cargo is bound to its receptor, bound to the cis-membrane
COPI transport
Same mechanism as COPII
Just in reverse direction and different coat protein
Still uses v and t-SNAREs
GTPase function in vesicle transport
- binds GTP and hydrolyzes the GTP —> GDP
COPII = Sar1
Two important functions
- Vesicle formation
- De-coating