Eqyptian Gods Flashcards
Amun, Amun Re
In his earliest form, he was god of air and wind. Later he was worshipped as a fertility god and Creator of all things. In the new kingdom, he became king of the gods and father of all pharoahs was assosciated with the Sun god Re and so became known as _______
was the double lion god, guardian of the sunrise and sunset. Often shown as two lions back to back with the disk of the sun between them balanced between the east and west horizons.
A female demon. She was known as ‘the devourer’ and ate the hearts of dead people judged not to have led good lives. (think the red pyramid)
was the god of the dead, magic, and embalming. He guided the dead through the darkness of the underworld. He was the son of Osiris and Nepthys
was the goddess of the first Cataract on the River Nil. She was the daughter of Khnum and Satis.
Represented as the sun’s disk with rays, was the Lord of the Heaven and the Earth. He became the most important god during the reign of Akhenatin.
he was a dwarf and jester to the gods. He was also the protecter of peoples homes and of children.(think cow, no not Hathor)
Twin brother and husband of Nut, he was the god of the earth. He was known as the great Cackler and was often represented as a goose. He was said to have laid the egg from which the Sun was hatched. Father of Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nepthys.
God of the Nile, with special responsibility for the annual floods. He was therefore very important to everyone throughout the land. His followers regarded him as even more important the Sun god. (think Kyle)
the wife of Horus, one of the earliest goddesses and was identified with many local goddesses. She was the goddess of love, beaty, and joy, and a mother and death goddess.
god of the sky, said to have inherited throne of egypt from Osiris
One of the earliest and most important goddesses, she was worshipped as the great mother- goddess and the goddess of crafts. The daughter of Nut and Geb, she was married to her brother Osiris.
a sun god linked to sunrise, he was often shown as a scarab beetle pushing a dung ball. This was the symbol of the sun as the egyptians believed he pushed the sun across the sky each day (NOT RE!!!)
a potter who created people from clay on his potters wheel.
the moon god. he was the son of Amun and Mut.
the goddess of truth and justice. She represented the balance and harmony of the world
was worshipped by men as the god of fertility and later as the rain god who helped crops to grow.
the lion-headed god and son of Bast (Think King M.)
a mother goddess and wife of Amun. She was the queen of all gods and the mother of all living things.
the god of oils and perfumes. He was the son of Ptah and Sekhmet.
the goddess of hunting, war and weaving. Later she was worshipped as a protector of the dead and as a guide in the underworld
a protector of the dead. She was married to her brother, Set, god of deserts, and was a ditz
a goddess of the sky. She was the daughter of Shu and married to her brother Geb, god of the earth. She is often shown stretching from one horizon to the other, only her fingertips and toes touching the ground. Her husband Geb is shown stretched out beneath her.
Egyptians regarded him as the King of Egypt. He introduced vines and grain to the land, and became supreme god, judge and ruler of the dead. Son and heir of Geb and Nut and the symbol of eternal life.
patron of the city of Memphis and patron of artists, sculptors and architects. He was an architect and was responsible for building the framework of the universe
the god of music and musicians. He was the son of Horus and Hathor
the common form of the sun god although there were many different versions. Each day he was born again and began a journey across the sky. (think cobra/secret name)
a protector of children, was a goddess of great powers. Her gaze could destroy her enemies but it could also make crops and livestock grow and fatten.
was a patroness of hunters. As guardian of Egypts southern border with Nubia, she was responsible for killing the pharoahs enemies. She was married to Khnum
represented mother hood and the burning destructive power of the sun. A fierce goddess of war, she was the wife of Ptah and the daughter of Nut and Geb
the god of deserts and trouble, also known as the Lord of Upper Egypt. Son of Geb and Nut, he was Osiris’s evil brother. He killed Osiris,then took his place on the throne of Egypt. Later dyanasties worshipped Set as a protector from desert storms. He was married to his sister Nepthys.
god of atmosphere and dry winds. He was the son of Re, brother and husband of Tefnut, and the father of Geb and Nut
the god of water and admired but feared for his ferocity. Often shown with the head of a crocodile. Husband of Renenutet
a female hippopotamus. She was the goddess of childbirth and was responsible for looking after pregnant women and babies. (Think of Jaw)HINT HINT!!
the moon god and god of wisdom. His role was to be vizier and scribe to all the gods and was keeper and recorder of all knowledge. He was married to Ma’at