Equvilence Flashcards
1 c of raw veggie
1 c of veggies
1 c of cooked legumes
1 c veggies or 4 oz of protein
1 c 100% veggie/fruit juice
1 c of fruits/veggies
2 c of leafy greens
1 c of veggies
1 c fresh frozen fruit
1 c of fruit
1/2 c of dried fruit
1 c of fruit
1 slice of bread
1 oz of grains
1/2 c of rice pasta or cereal (cooked)
1 oz of grain
1 oz of dry pasta or rice
1 oz of grain
1 c ready to eat cereal
1 oz grain
3 c popcorn
1 oz grain
1 oz meat/poultry/seafood
1 oz of protein
1 egg
1 oz of protein
2 tbs hummus
1 oz of protein
1 tbs peanut butter
1 oz proetin
1/2 oz nuts/seeds
1-ounce protein
1 c milk/yogurt/soymilk
1 c dairy
1 1/2 ounce of natural cheese
1 c of dairy
2 oz processed cheese
1 c of dairy
1/3 cup shredded cheese
1 c of dairy
2 c cottage cheese
1 c dairy
1 c frozen yogurt
1 c dairy
1 1/2 c ice cream
1 c dairy