Equity Investments Flashcards
What are the three main functions of the financial system?
- Allow individuals and companies to save and borrow, raise equity and debt and trade assets
- Determine the returns equate the supply / savings to demand / borrowing
- Allocate capital
Under what conditions is the financial system best at operating efficiently?
Liquid markets
Transactions costs are low
Readily available information
The rate at which borrowers want to borrow is equal to the rate at which lenders want to lend, is defined as the …?
Equilibrium interest rate
What is the difference between financial and real assets?
Financial assets: Non- physical securities (stocks and bonds), derivative contracts, and currencies.
Real assets: Physical assets including real estate, equipment, commodities
What is the name of the tax on the profit when you sell an asset that’s increased in value?
Capital gains tax
What is the difference between public and private securities?
Publicly traded securities are traded on exchanges or through securities dealers and are subject to greater regulation and scrutiny.
Private securities are not available to the public and are often illiquid and not subject to regulation.
Securities that have values that depend on (are derived from) the values of other assets are better known as…?
What is the difference between a financial and a physical derivative?
Financial derivative contracts are based on equities, equity indexes, debt, debt indexes, or other financial contracts.
Physical derivative contracts derive their values from the values of physical assets such as gold, oil, and wheat.
Markets for immediate delivery of an underlying asset are referred to as…?
Spot markets
Markets for the future delivery of physical and financial assets are more commonly known as…?
Forward markets
Contracts that provide the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase (or sell) assets over some period or at some future date at predetermined prices, are better known as…?
What is the difference between the primary and secondary market?
The primary market is the market for newly issued securities.
Subsequent sales of securities are said to occur in the secondary market.
What is the difference between issuing in the money market or on the capital market?
Money markets refer to markets for debt securities with maturities of one year or less.
Capital markets refer to markets for debt securities with maturities of one year or more.
What does it mean if you are to issue a security?
The initial sale of a security
What class of share is an equity security with scheduled dividends that typically do not change over the security’s life and must be paid before any dividends on common stock may be paid?
Preference shares
How does an investor get access to real assets without buying a property directly?
By buying publicly traded REITS
What are block brokers?
Block brokers help with the placement of large trades
An organisation that looks after a clients financial assets is also known as a…?
When an insured person purposely causes damage or claims fictitious losses so he can collect on his insurance policy, they are committing…?
Dealers that trade with central banks when the banks buy or sell government securities are known as…?
Primary dealers
What is payment in lieu when shorting a stock?
The short seller must pay all dividends or interest that the lender would have received from the security over the loan period to the owner
What is a leveraged position?
The use of borrowed funds to purchase an asset
In a short sale does the short seller need to deposit an initial margin?
Yes the short seller needs to deposit margin in order to buy back the stock and return it to the lender
What is the margin call price formula?
( Margin\ call\ price = P_0(\frac{1- initial\ margin}{1- maintainance\ margin}) )
What is the bid price?
Bid Price: The price at which the bank / the market maker / the dealer is willing to buy
What is the ask price?
Ask Price: The price at which the bank / the market maker / the dealer is willing to sell
What is the bid ask spread?
The difference between the bid and ask price. The source of a dealer’s compensation
What is a market order?
Instruction to execute the trade immediately at the best possible price.
What is a limit order?
Buy below or sell above a given price.
What is a stop order?
Used to prevent losses or to protect profits.
What is an all-or-nothing order?
Concerns the volume of the trade, execute only if the whole order can be filled
What is a hidden order?
Orders where only the broker or exchange knows the trade size
Securities sold directly to qualified investors, typically with the assistance of an investment bank is also known as a…?
Private placement
A firm makes its public disclosures as in a regular offering but then issues the registered securities over time when it needs capital and when the markets are favorable, is also known as a…?
Shelf registration
What is a dividend reinvestment plan?
Existing shareholders to use their dividends to buy new shares from the firm at a slight discount
Existing shareholders are given the right to buy new shares at a discount to the current market price, is better known as a…?
Rights issue
What is the purpose of an investment banks in an IPO?
IBs serve as a sort of intermediary between corporations looking to IPO and investors through equity issues.
IBs provide underwriting services for new stock issues when a company decides to go public.
What is the difference between call markets and continuous markets?
Call Market: A market is called at a certain time and place and all the traders trade at that time.
Continuous Market: traders can trade continuously at any time when the market is open (typical type of market)
What are the three different types of market structures?
- Quote driven markets: where dealers provide liquidity
- Order-driven markets where traders provide liquidity
- Brokered markets where brokers provide liquidity
What are the four characteristics of a well functioning financial system?
Complete markets
Operational efficiency
Informational efficiency
Allocational efficiency
Describe a security market index?
security market index is used to represent the performance of an asset class or segment of a market made up of multiple securities to mimic a portfolio.
What is more difficult to build and maintain an equity index or a bond index?
A bond index as many mature so need to be replaced, and don’t trade as frequently so there is not as much continuous trade data
What is the difference between a price return and a total return?
Total return includes dividends