Equipment Flashcards
A 3 legged stand placed over a Bunsen burner with a wire gauze on top and an evaporating dish or beaker above it
Used to hold liquids or to try an experiment
Measuring cylinder
Measures the volumes of liquids
Pestle and mortar
Pestles are the bold in which the mortars crush things in
Evaporating dish
Used to evaporate substances into solid substances
Conical flash
Used to mix and heat substances and short term storage
Gas jar
Collect and store gases
Used to measure heat
Has mercury or alcohol in it
Dispense and measure liquid or sometimes gas e.g. for the titration process
Grab stand
Used to grab hot or dangerous things
Wire gauze
Protects the thing on top from the Bunsen Burner
Covers the cell for protection
Goes underneath the cell to have a safe place to put it down on
Metre stick or rular
Measure straight lines
Measure short curved lines
Trundle wheel
Measures long curved or straight lines
Vernier callipers
Measures diameters or widths of solid round objects
Stop watch or watch
Measures time
Weighing scales or electronic balance
Measures mass