Equine Terminology Flashcards
Exam prep
2 beat gait in which the lateral limbs strike the ground simultaneously. There is a lateral base of support and a period of suspension with all 4 feet off the ground occurring between each beat
a general description of the persons who take part in equine-assisted therapies at a PATH Intl center for their benefit: also called riders, drivers, vaulters, students or clients. There will be varied usage depending on the discipline.
Posting diagonal
When traveling on the rail in the arena or when working in a curved line, the rider rises (posts) when the horse’s outside shoulder moves forward
Postural Corrections
Corrections made by the CTRI to the position in which the rider’s body is aligned while riding. Posture is habitual; ongoing correction is essential to riding skill development
Rein Back
Backward movement in which hooves are raised and set down almost simultaneously by diagonal
The regularity of footfalls within each gait
A series of movements that blend together to look like one movement; incorporates a run or lope, a balanced stop, a fast, smooth 180-degree pivot and a fast break out of the rollback into a run or lope on the proper lead
Series of equal curves from one line of the centerline to the other, changing directions of the turn each time the horses passes over the centerline
The horse slightly bent round the inside leg of the rider, and its inside legs pass and cross in front of the outside legs. The horse is looking away from the direction in which it is moving
A movement in which the horse goes straight and sideways; the horse’s outside leg should cross over in front of the supporting leg. This movement has a slight degree of forward motion. Side passing lets you move the horse over to open and close a gate easily when mounted, helps in suppling and in preparing for flying changes.
Sidewalker(s) walk next to the horse and rider to ensure safety and to help the student participate in class to the best of the individual’s ability. Some participants require 2 sidewalkers while others need only one. More independent riders do not require sidewalkers.
Simple Change of Lead
Change of lead performed by breaking gait to the trot
Skill Progression
Systematic building of skills upon a foundation. The CTRI should teach skills in order that will most effectively advance the rider to the best of their ability.
Snaffle Bit
A bit that works by direct action the in the horse’s mouth
Specific Praise
A positive statement in tended to reinforce the desired behavior and an individual that acknowledges the individual by name (or in manner in which they know who is being praised), specifically describes/identifies the individual’s behavior and incorporates a term of praise.