Equine GI Surgery 2 Flashcards
- Define a crisis.
- Usual causative GI lesions in an abdominal crisis.
- Life-threatening.
No response to medical treatment alone and so only options are surgical intervention or euthanasia. - Obstruction of SI e.g. ileal impaction.
Obstruction of blood supply to gut
e.g. strongylus vulgaris infarcts.
Or both e.g. strangulating lipoma.
Simple obstructions.
Lumen only obstructed:
- with food, possible ascarids, rarely FB, faecolith, or choleolith.
Vasculature intact so intestine minimally compromised.
Prognosis usually good - many won’t need surgery.
E.g. ileal / pelvic flexure impaction.
Functional obstruction.
Peristalsis fails to propel ingesta i.e. ileus, leading to distension.
Vasculature intact so intestine minimally compromised.
Prognosis depends on aetiology.
E.g. grass sickness, post-op ileus secondary to distension, infiltrative or inflammatory bowel diseases e.g. lymphoma and eosinophilic enteritis.
NB pressure necrosis may follow esp. with non-ingesta impaction a such as ascarids and faecoliths.
Compromise to vasculature — intestinal ischaemia.
E.g. pedunculated lipoma, large colon volvulus.
Veins obstructed before arteries, causing oedematous thickening of gut wall.
Bacterial death by changes in environment as now anaerobic and acidic - release of LPS.
Mucosal damage so increased permeability to endotoxin which leaks into peritoneum.
Peritoneal LPS absorbed into systemic circulation.
Endotoxaemia causes systemic compromise or shock.
Px becomes poorer after 6-8hrs.
- further worsened by secondary problems e.g. bacteria translocate from lumen as barrier ineffective, setting up potential for peritonitis.
- endotoxaemia may lead to DIC or laminitis.
Abdominal surgery options.
Emergency colic surgery - ex lap.
Elective surgery - ex laparoscopy / laparotomy.
Focused elective surgery:
- nephrosplenic space obliteration for left dorsal displacement.
- biopsy collection in chronic weight loss case.
- hernia repair.
- non-GI — mass excision e.g. granulosa cell tumour / cryptorchid castrate.
Preparation of horse for surgery after induction.
Fine clip of abdomen for midline ventral incision.
Covers on distal limbs and tail.
Urinary catheter placed.
Suture prepuce closed in males.
Sterile prep of abdomen.
Equine abdominal surgery approach.
Midline ventral incision.
Umbilicus towards caudal limit.
Approx. 30cm long in 450kg horse, extend as needed.
Through skin.
Through linea alba - start at umbilicus, incise cranially.
Through peritoneum.
In a healthy horse, what should be the first structure visible as you enter peritoneum?
Caecum - Apex points towards xyphoid process.
Principles of surgical treatment - abdominal exploration.
Logical sweep around abdomen to palpate anomalies.
Exteriorise caecum if in normal position.
SI - trace dorsal taenial band of caecum to ileum, then exteriorise this and continue orally until obstruction reached.
— obstruction may be exteriorisable or not. Correct it and continue until can palpate the duodenocolic ligament.
LI - identify pelvic flexure and exteriorise this. Extend it maximally from incision.
— may require deflation and/or correction to exteriorise.
Principles of surgical treatment
- correction of the lesion.
Identify lesion.
Correct displaced/entrapped intestine.
Decompress distended viscera.
- evacuate toxic contents of devitalised segment once exteriorised.
- oral SI contents “milked” into caecum +/- caecal dump after anastomosis performed.
- LI contents evacuated through enterotomy at pelvic flexure.
Resection of devitalised tissue and restoration of intestinal continuity (anastomosis).
All needs to be done quickly with minimal trauma, keeping exteriorised intestines moody at all times.
Principles of surgical treatment - abdominal closure.
Swab count.
Replace intestines in normal anatomical position.
- Logical sweep around abdomen.
Lavage with sterile saline.
Anti-adhesion treatments - carboxymethylcellulose,
Simple continuous absorbable linea alba.
SC continuous absorbable layer.
Skin sutures (absorbable, non-absorbable) or staples.
Stent sutured over wound.
What artery supplies the jejunal arteries?
What artery branches to form ileal artery?
Cranial mesenteric artery.
Caecocolic artery.
Purpose of surgery in cases of simple/functional obstructions.
Remove obstruction.
Decompress point of lesion and backlog.
Usually milk ileal impaction into caecum as cannot exteriorise.
Consequences of strangulating lesions.
4-5hrs - mucosal necrosis.
7+hrs - serosal necrosis.
Spontaneous rupture.
Severe endotoxaemia.
Resection of strangulating lesions.
Identify non-viable tissue.
Ligate vessels in mesentery supplying devitalised segment.
May “dump” contents once separated from mesentery.
Isolate with double bowel clamps and Penrose drains.
Cut with scalpel between clamps.
Resection of devitalised intestine.
What type of suture is used in an intestinal anastomosis?
Give example of inverting suture pattern.
Connell, Cushing’s, Lembert’s.
Anastomosis after resection of strangulating lesion from intestine.
Site close to agreement artery has a good blood supply.
Segments with similar diameter.
- possible to do a 50-60 degree angle from mesentery to widen opening without creating kink.
- described as the 2 anatomical locations.
— e.g. jejuno-jejunal. Jejuno-ileal, jejunocaecal, ileo-caecal.
— prognosis poorer when caecum involved.
- can be end-to-end, side-to-side, end-to-side.
Check integrity (no leaks), no kinks/torsion, no luminal restriction.
Close the mesentery.
Decompression following R&A of the intestines.
Evacuation of fluid from intestinal secretions and gas produced.
Requires “milking through” into the caecum - then suction if gassy or typhlotomy to dump contents.
Intestine aborally (distally) to the strangulation appears normal.
Classically seen in older fat pony geldings.
Fatty deposits in SU mesentery, grow to form lipoma, the weight of it encourages peduncle formation.
Like ball and chain looping around piece of intestine, strangulating it.
Acute colic signs for surgical colic.
Options = Sx (R&A) or euthanasia.
Post-op ileus common.
Types of intussusception possible.
What is intussusception?
Ileo-caecal, ileo-ileal, jenjuno-jejunal, jejuno-ileal, jejuno-caecal.
Part intestine telescopes in on itself.
Jejuno-jejunal in foals with enteritis.
Any -caecal linked to tapeworms.
Outer part of intussusception likely to lose blood supply.
Inner part (intussusceptiens) may remain viable.
Classical bullseye appearance on abdominal U/S.
Can sometimes be pulled apart, sometimes have fibrin and adhesions and need R&A.
Small intestinal volvulus.
> 180 degree torsion.
Most horses >3yo but it is the most common indication (incidence of 27%) for intestinal surgery in foals particularly 2-4m old.
Foals typically show colic interspersed with depression.
Intestinal herniation.
“Internal” -Through an aperture within abdomen.
— nephrosplenic space.
— epiploic foramen.
— gastrosplenic space.
— mesenteric/one real rents, tags, bands.
“External” - through an aperture to exit abdominal cavity.
— scrotal/inguinal.
— umbilical.
What vices predispose a horse to epiploic foramen entrapment?
Crib biting and wind sucking.
Epiploic foramen entrapment.
5-23% of SI strangulations.
Epiploic foramen = slot-like opening into omental bursa in right dorsal abdomen and is bordered by caudate lobe of liver, caudal VC, pancreas, hepatoduodenal ligament, and portal vein.
SI passed L to R to sit above duodenum (occasionally R to L too).
Risk factors:
- crib biting/windsucking.
- tall horses.
- Hx of colic in last 12 months.
- increased time in stable in previous 4 weeks.
Mesenteric rents.
Any hole in mesentery which SI can pass through to become entrapped.
- e.g. rent in gastrosplenic mesentery.
Adhesions of the intestines.
May follow intestinal inflammation.
- e.g. due to previous surgery (incl. castration).
- e.g. abdominal abscess / parasite migration / peritonitis.
Mesodiverticular band.
A residual persistent embryonic vitteline duct and associated mesentery.
Forms mesenteric pouch.
SI enters pouch, perforated in and then gets entrapped.
Meckel’s diverticulum.
A remnant of the embryonic yolk sac.
Can form diverticulum off the jejunum which can entangle SI.
Umbilical hernia.
Most common external hernia.
Congenital / <8w old.
Cosmetic defect.
Affecting females more than males.
Very rarely cause GI pathology.
Repair when > 3cm diameter or if not resolved at 1yo.
- rubber elastrator rings, hernia clamps, herniorrhaphy.
- Indirect inguinal/scrotal hernia.
- Direct inguinal/scrotal hernia.
- Common in young colts.
Usually reducible.
Rarely obstructed or ischaemic. - Tear in peritoneum/vaginal tunic.
Intestine lies in SC tissue.
Severe local swelling and skin necrosis.
Rarely strangulates but acutely painful condition requiring correction and repair.
Inguinal (scrotal) hernia.
Can occur post-castration.
Can occur post-mating.
Can be spontaneous.
Testicle can become compressed and can get orchitis so fertility may be substandard for some months.
Pull it back into abdomen via ex lap and take it out
Complication of SI lesions.
Simple obstructions:
- usually few once condition resolved.
— except grass sickness, inflammatory bowel diseases, neoplasias.
Strangulating lesions involving R&A involve increased risks of:
- contamination and peritonitis.
- endotoxic shock.
- ileus.
- post-op adhesions.
Long-term complications:
- recurrent colic.
- incisional wound healing.
- jugular vein thrombosis.
- Indications for intestinal biopsy?
- How can intestinal biopsy be performed?
- Biopsy size?
- Chronic IBD.
Recurrent intermittent colic.
Malabsorption/weight loss syndromes.
Equine grass sickness. - At laparotomy under GA.
Laparoscopically assisted in a sedated horse. - 1x2cm, full thickness preferable.
Major surgical diseases of the equine large bowel.
These involve displacements of the colon from its normal anatomical position. E.g. left dorsal displacement, right dorsal displacement, colon torsion.
Distension with gas/fluid due to continued fermentation in presence of obstruction.
General principles of LI colic surgery,
Surgical management involves:
- recognising nature of displacement/volvulus (not always easy).
- exteriorise colon.
- decompress distended bowel.
— needle and suction for gas.
— evacuate colon via pelvic flexure enterotomy for fluid/food.
- correct the displacement.
- resections rarely necessary and technically challenging.
- +/- colopexy = anchoring colon by suturing e.g. to body wall.
— occasionally performed in non-athletes to prevent recurrence.
Nephrosplenic entrapment (left dorsal displacement) of the colon.
Typically affects mature performance horses aged 4-8yrs.
Thought to be due to excess gas production / altered motility.
Initially a non-strangulating lesion.
Weight of colon causes spleen to displace medially and ventrally and to become congested at ~24hrs.
Oedematous wall at risk of rupture.
Left colon can become impacted due to impaired flow of ingesta overtime.
Nephrosplenic entrapment treatment options.
Starve/restricted feed - all cases.
Fluids and analgesia.
+/- phenylephrine - splenic contraction.
+/- rolling under GA.
+/- surgical correction by ventral midline or standing flank is possible.
75% success rate when medically managed.
Nephrosplenic entrapment treatment options.
Starve/restricted feed - all cases.
Fluids and analgesia.
+/- phenylephrine - splenic contraction.
+/- rolling under GA.
+/- surgical correction by ventral midline or standing flank is possible.
75% success rate when medically managed.
Nephrosplenic entrapment prevention.
Consistent nutrition, exercise and turnout routine - changes should be made gradually.
Dental and worming prophylaxis.
Ablation of the nephrosplenic space by laparotomy.
(Large colon resection).
Right dorsal displacement of the Colin presentation and clinical findings.
Moderate pain and gaseous distension.
Progressive dehydration.
On rectal exam:
- bands on distended colon run transversely across pelvic inlet and caecum cannot be identified.
High GGT.
Right dorsal colon displacement treatment options.
- starve, fluids and allow natural evacuation.
- do this if pain mild and has distension minimal.
- when pain significant.
- identify pelvic flexure.
- relocate colon to normal position by rotating it around caecal base.
- manipulation difficult as large and heavy.
— often requires colon contents to be “dumped“ at pelvic flexure.
Large incision.
Px good with minimal surgical damage.
Colopexy or colon resection considered if recurrence.
Large colon volvulus.
Big emergency!
Strangulation, obstructive, ischaemia of huge section.
Rapid and extreme gas distension.
Urgent surgical correction required!
Prognosis correlates between onset of condition and onset of surgery.
Occurring at sternal flexure or close to attachment of right ventral colon to the caecum.
Cause unknown.
Speedy referral essential.
Usually larger horses, multifarious brood mares foaled recently.
Severe sudden pain.
Marked distension.
Tachycardia and poor peripheral perfusion due to endotoxaemia.
Large intestinal intussusception. (Caeco-caecal, caecal-colic).
May be visible on U/S as bullseye.
Risk factor = anoplocephala infestation.
Adult horse.
Tip of caecum invaginate into body.
- may then continue so entire caecum invaginates and is inside out in the colon.
Initially can be reduced manually.
Once oedematous and ischaemic, devitalised bowel will need resection.
- prone to rupture.
- may/may not be reducible.
- can remove some of apex.
- within right ventral colon before reduction.
Substantial risk of abdominal contamination during resection.
Mineralised concretions of food material.
Seen more in USA.
Seen more in mini breeds.
Cause obstruction at sites where LI narrows.
- transverse colon, pelvic flexure, small colon.
Surgical excision via enterotomy.