Equilibrium with Production Flashcards
What is the simplest model of a production economy?
One input (labour L = T - l) with some endowment T and one output good (x) with one consumer who is also the sole producer with a convex production set i.e. concave production function i.e. decreasing returns to labour (Robinson Crusoe Model)
A CE consists of a price of x (p) and a price of leisure or cost of labour (wage rate w) such that when these prices are taken as given and the agents make their optimal choice both markets clear
How would you represent Robinson Crusoe’s (acting as a single agent) optimal choice graphically?
The point on the highest indifference curve in the feasible production set which satisfies the tangency condition |MRS| = f’(L) = MPL
On an L-x plot the concave production function will be a plateauing increasing line and this will be tangent to an IC which slopes backwards as labour is a bad (utility increases towards top-left)
What problem does Robinson Crusoe acting as a single agent solve?
max u(x, T - L) wrt L, c subject to f(L) = c
What leads to a CE in the Robinson Crusoe Economy?
First the firm’s problem is solved: max (px - wL) subject to x ≤ f(L) (tangency between iso-profit line and f so MPL = w/p)
Then the consumer’s problem is solved: max u s.t. pc ≤ π* + wL (tangency |MRS| = w/p)
What is the y-intercept of the optimal iso-profit line?
π*/p is the profit measured in units of x
What is the relationship between the final allocation when Robinson Crusoe acts as one agent and as two?
They are the same
How could the Robinson Crusoe model extend to more people?
The result would be the same if each firm produced where MPL = w/p and each individual consumes where |MRS| = w/p so that MPL = |MRS| (condition for Pareto-efficiency) as before
What can be said about the welfare in a Robinson Crusoe economy?
The First Welfare Theorem applies so the CE is Pareto-efficient
How would you show that Walras’ Law holds in the Robinson Crusoe economy?
From the budget constraint pxd(w, p) = π(w, p) + wLs(w, p) Walras’ Law can be stated in the form p(xd - xs) + w(Ld - Ls) = 0
What would happen to the Robinson Crusoe economy if there were constant returns to labour?
The equilibrium profit would be zero and the real wage would be equal to the MPL
If the iso-profit line were steeper than the production function then it is optimal to set L = 0 but this is an unreasonable optimum for C-D preferences
If the iso-profit line were less steep than the production function increasing L would always be better so there is no equilibrium
What would happen to the Robinson Crusoe economy if there were increasing returns to labour?
Whatever the prices, the firm can always get more profit by increasing production
What is in the Robinson Crusoe Friday model?
Two output goods (x and y), one inelastic (fixed) input (labour L), two agents (RC and F), one firm (with production function f)
What is the significance of the PPF?
Efficient production will be on the PPF, otherwise not all resources are being used
What is the production possibility set and how is it represented graphically?
The feasible combinations of x and y that can be produced given the available resources
Using a Production Possibility Frontier which is a straight line for constant returns and a concave curve for decreasing returns
What is the slope of the PPF?