Equilibrium LCP (1) Flashcards
What happens to the concentration when you add or remove a substance
Add: According to LCP, if a substance is added to an equilibrium system the system will adjust to decrease the concentration of the added substance, so a net forward or reverse reaction will occur.
Removed: According to LCP, if a substance is removed from an equilibrium system the system will adjust to increase the concentration of the removed substance, so a net forward or reverse reaction will occur.
What happens to the pressure if you increase or decrease the volume?
Increase: This will dec. total concentration/pressure of particles (reactants + products). Reaction will shift in the direction with the most gaseous molecules. (dec. in total concentration/pressure).
Decrease: This will inc. total concentration/pressure of particles (reactants + products). Reaction will shift in the direction with the fewest gaseous molecules (inc. in total concentration/pressure).
What happens to the temperature if you add or remove heat?
Add: Reaction will dec. the added heat by going in the endo. direction. (favours endo)
Remove: Reaction will inc. the removed heat by going in the exo. direction. (favours exo)