Equilibria Flashcards
Ionic product of water
Kw = [H+] [OH−] = 1.00 x 10^−14
(as [H+] = [OH−] so, kw = [H+]^2 and thus [H+] conc. can be found)
Formula of pH & [H+]
pH = − log10 [H+]
[H+] = 10^ −pH
Why can pH values of alkalis and pOH values of acids be calculated?
Even though they are alkalis, they have small conc. of H+ ions and this conc. is used to calculate pH and vice versa.
Ionisation of strong monobasic acids i.e. HCl
They are completely ionised and the [H+] conc. is approximately same as the acid.
(Note: the concentration of H+ ions we get from the ionisation of water molecules is very small
compared with the concentration of H+ ions we get from the acid, so it’s considered to be negligible.)
Effect of Dilution on pH of an acid
Diluting the acid ten times reduces the value of the H+ ion concentration to one-tenth and increases the pH by a value of one.
Calculating the pH of strong bases
To calculate the pH of a solution of strong base we need to know:
♦ the concentration of OH− ions in solution.
♦ the equilibrium expression for the ionisation of water ➡ Kw = [H+] [OH−]
♦ the value of Kw for water
♦ As Kw = [H+] [OH−]
♦ [H+] = Kw / [OH−] and thus using [H+] conc. pH can be found.
………………………………….2nd way………………………………….
♦ Find –log10 [OH−] (here –log10 [OH−] = –log10 (0.0500) = 1.3)
♦ Subtract this value from 14 (in this
example 14 – 1.3 = 12.7)
♦ This works because –log10 [H+] – log10 [OH−] = 14.
Ka & pKa formulae
Ka = [H+] [A−] / [HA] or [H+]^2 / [HA]
pKa = − log10 Ka
What do high and low values of Ka indicate?
➊ A high value for Ka (for example, 40 mol dm−3) indicates that the position of equilibrium lies to the right. The acid is almost completely ionised.
➋ A low value for Ka (for example, 1.0 × 10−4 mol dm−3) indicates that the position of equilibrium lies to the left. The acid is only slightly ionised and exists mainly as HA molecules and comparatively few H+ and A− ions.
What do the values of pKa indicate?
The less positive the value of pKa, the more strongly acidic is the acid.
Assumptions involved while calculating Ka
1. The concentration of hydrogen ions produced by the ionisation of the water molecules present in the solution is ignored as the ionic product of water (1.00× 10−14 mol2 dm−6) is negligible compared with the values for most weak acids.
2. The ionisation of the weak acid is so small that the concentration of undissociated HA molecules present at equilibrium is approximately the same as that of the original acid.
Buffer solution
A solution that minimises changes in pH when moderate amounts of acid or bases are added. A buffer solution is either a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid, and there are reserve supplies of the acid/base and its conjugate base / conjugate acid. The pH of a buffer solution depends on the ratio of the concentration of i.e. the acid and the concentration of its conjugate base. If these do not change very much, the pH changes very little.
Acid / Conjugate base & Base / Conjugate acid examples
Textbook page no. 448, 449 (must read)
[H+] and pH formulae for buffer solutions
[H+] = Ka × [acid] / [salt]
pH = pKa + log10 [salt] / [acid]
(Note: Just remember the formula i.e.
Ka = [H+][CH3COO−] / [CH3COOH] )
Buffer solution examples
Textbook page no. 451
CO2(aq) + H2O(aq) ⇌ H+(aq) + HCO3−(aq)
» The equilibrium between carbon dioxide and
hydrogencarbonate is the most important buffering system in the blood.
Solubility is generally quoted as the number of grams or number of moles of compound needed to saturate 100 g or 1 kg of water at a given temperature.
Solubilty product, Ksp
The product of the concentrationsof each ion ina saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt at 298K, raised to the power of their relative concentrations. The idea of solubility product only applies to ionic compounds that are slightly soluble.
(Note: For any solid, the concentration of the solid phase remains constant and can be combined with the value of Kc thus giving Ksp.)
Value of Ksp indicates
The smaller the value of Ksp
the lower is the solubility of the salt.
Soluble and Insoluble salts
Soluble salts include salts of Group I elements, all nitrates and ammonium salts and many sulfates. Halides are generally soluble except for lead(II) halides and silver halides.
Common Ion Effect
Common ion effect is the reduction in the solubility of a dissolved salt achieved by adding a solution of a compound that has an ion in common with the dissolved salt. This often results in precipitation.
Values of ‘Solubility Product’ and ‘Solubility’ indicate
(Solubility product)
more positive ➡ ppt will form,
more negative ➡ ppt will not form
more positive ➡ more soluble
more negative ➡ less soluble
Dynamic equilibrium
i.e. Ammonia molecules are moving from the aqueous layer to the organic layer at the same rate as they are moving from the organic layer to the aqueous layer:
NH3(aq) ⇌ NH3(organic solvent)
(The solute X should be in the same physical state and molecular state in both solvents)
Solubility depends on
Solubility depends on the strength of the intermolecular bonds between the solute and the solvent. This in turn depends on the polarity of the molecules of solute and solvent.
For example,
➊ Ammonia is a polar molecule that forms hydrogen bonds with water. So ammonia is very soluble in water. Ammonia is less soluble in organic solvents such as trichloromethane (CHCl3) because the bonding between ammonia and the solvent is permanent dipole–permanent dipole, which is weaker than hydrogen bonding.
➋ Iodine dissolves in organic solvents such as cyclohexane. Both are non-polar molecules. Iodine forms instantaneous dipole–induced dipole bonds with cyclohexane.
Partition coefficient and Paper Chromatography
(Textbook page no. 458, 459.)
The solutes in the mixture being separated are partitioned to different extents between the solvents in the mobile and stationary phases. The greater the relative solubility in the mobile phase, the faster the rate of movement as the mobile phase passes over the stationary phase.