Equatorial Rainforests Flashcards
What is the lowest layer of an Equatorial Rainforest?
The Forest Floor
What is the second lowest layer of an Equatorial Rainforest?
The Understory
What is the third lowest layer of an Equatorial Rainforest?
The Canopy
What is the highest layer of an Equatorial Rainforest?
The Emergent
What is the latitudinal co-ordinate range of Equatorial Rainforests
Equatorial Rainforests are found between the latitudinal co-ordinates 23.5 Degrees North and 23.5 Degrees South. Also they are found between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
What is the humidity of Equatorial Rainforests
The humidity is very high.
What does humidity mean?
The amount of moisture in the air
What is the direction of latitudinal lines
The direction is horizontal
How many layers are there in an Equatorial Rainforests?
There are 4 layers
What is the average Rainfall of an Equatorial Rainforest.
2,000 - 10,000 Millimeters which is really high compared to other biomes.
What is the average temperature of an Equatorial Rainforest
The average temperature is 20°C (68°F) to 25°C (77°F).
What are 5 animal adaptations in Equatorial Rainforests?
Camouflage, Mimicry, Poison, Small bodies and Nocturnality
Why is Camouflage a good adaptation?
Camouflage helps prey like chameleons to hide and protect themselves from predators
Why is Mimicry a good adaptation?
Mimicry can help prey get out of some sticky situations because the predators will not see the prey as prey anymore if the mimicry is good enough
Why is Poison a good animal adaptation
Poison can help either prey or predators attack or defend. It can be used for killing your prey or it can be used for saving yourself from danger.
Why are Small Bodies a good animal adaptation?
Small bodies can be useful for all sorts of things. It can help you get through small places that your predators are to big to go through. It means that you don’t have to eat much. And it also means that catching you will be much harder because the size of your body and because you are faster because you are smaller.
Why is Nocturnality a good animal adaptation?
Nocturnality is a really good animal adaptation because most predators sleep during the night.
What are 5 Plant Adaptations in Equatorial Rainforests.
Buttress Roots, Tall and thin trunks, Smooth Bark, Drip Tips, Broad Leaves.
Why are Buttress Roots a good plant adaptation?
Buttress Roots help support the ginormous and heavy trees, so they don’t fall down.
Why are Tall and thin trunks a good plant adaptation?
If the trunks are tall and thin then the leaves on the trees will be able to reach the canopy thus, allowing the tree to get lots of sunlight.
Why are smooth barks a good plant adaptation?
Smooth barks are really good because they allow the water to slide down into the soil so the roots get more nutrients.
Why are Drip Tips a good plant adaptation?
Drip tips help the water slide down the leaves easily, so the leaves don’t get damaged from the weight of the water.
Why are Broad Leaves a good plant adaptation?
The broadness of the leaves help the plant much more sunlight, and that is very important if the plant is in the Forest Floor or the Understory.
An area of lush vegetation and year-round rainfall
Equatorial Rainforests
Many animals take advantage of the dimly lit environment of the _________for camouflage.
Forest Floor