Equations Flashcards
proportion of all people with disease who test positive, or the probability that a test detects disease when disease is present
PID = positive in disease
SNOUT = Sensitivity rules out
Sensitivity equation
= TP/(TP + FN)
= 1 - false negatives
proportion of all people without disease who test negative, or the probability that a test indicates non-disease when disease is absent
NIH = negative in health
SPIN = specificity rules in
Specificity equation
= TN/(TN + FP)
= 1- false positives
Positive predictive value
proportion of positive test results that are true positive
varies directly with prevalence or pretest probability
Positive predictive value equation
= TP/(TP + FP)
Negative predictive value
proportion of negative test results that are true negative
varies inversely with prevalence or pretest probability
Negative predictive value equation
= TN/(TN + FN)
of new cases in a specified time/population at risk
existing cases/population
=incidence rate x average disease duration
greater than incidence for chronic disease
Odds ratio
used in case control studies.
Odds that the group with the disease was exposed to a risk factor divided by the odds that the group without the disease (controls) was exposed.
(a/c)/(b/d) = ad/bc (ODDS had 2 D’s, CC study has 2 C’s)
Relative Risk
used in cohort studies.
Risk of developing disease in the exposed group divided by the risk in the unexposed group
Attributable risk
the difference in risk between exposed and unexposed groups, or the proportion of disease occurrences that are attributable to the exposure
=(a/(a+b)) - (c/(c+d))
Absolute risk reduction
absolute reduction in risk associated with a treatment as compared to a control.
Number needed to treat
number of patients who need to be treated for 1 patient to benefit.
=1/absolute risk reduction
A risk reduction is a positive thing–> use for # needed to treat which is a positive thing
Number needed to harm
number of patients who need to be exposed to a risk factor for 1 patient to be harmed.
=1/attributable risk
Attributable risk is a negative thing–> use for # needed to harm which is a negative thing