Equation Deck Flashcards
BJT in active mod: iC - vCE equation
What are the model parameter equations for in terms of DC bias currents for the pi and t model?
Relationships between α and β ?
CE amplifier with an emitter resistance: resistance reflection rule
How do you get the current through the emitter if you know the base?
Multiply the base by (β+1)
rπ and re in terms of gm
Relationship between rπ and re?
Whats is the equation for iD in the triode region?
Whats is the equation for iD in the saturation region?
Upper 3-dB frequency equation
i.e. the frequency of the dominant pole (if it exists…)
What happens if it doesn’t exist?
tauH will equal the sum of tau’s multiplied by 2π
Negative Feedback: Configuration equations for Gain, Rin and Rout.
Op-amps: Inverting Amplifier
Op-amps: Non-inverting amplifier
Beta = feedback ratio
Op-amps: Transimpedance amplifier
Op-amps: Integrator
Finds usage in analogue filters, control systems, A/D converters and many other applications.
Op-amps: Log amplifier
Useful in applications where the input signal level may vary by a large factor. It may be desirable in such cases to amplify weak signals and attenuate strong signals.
Op-amps: Square-root amplifier
Power Amplifiers: Efficiency calculation?
η = PL/ PS
CE Amplifier: What is it’s mid-band gain equation?
Miller’s Theorem Equation