equality key terms Flashcards
define equality
giving people the same opportunities
define a need
what a service user requires in order to make them equal to others
define holism (holistic)
whole person (not just one aspect)
define fine motor skills
fine movement
example of fine motor skills
movements using fingers/hands such as writing, self-feeding, brushing teeth
define gross motor skills
limb movement
example of gross motor skills
bigger movements such as running, jumping, walking
define PIES
P~ physical
I~ intellectual
E~ emotional
S~ social
define diversity
a range of abilities and characteristics within a group of individuals (differences)
define prejudice
pre-judging someone based on characteristics
define stereotypes
labelling groups as all being the same
define primary socialisation
learning things inside your home (from parents)
define secondary socialisation
learning things outside the house from others (friends, teachers)