Equality Act 2010 Flashcards
What does the Equality Act 2010 establish?
Establishes a number of protected characteristics and defines prohibited conduct
What are the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010?
Religion and belief
Sexual Orientation
Age (can be justified in certain circumstances)
Gender reassignment
Marriage / civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
What is direct discrimination under the EA 2010?
A person is treated less favourably than someone who did not have the protected characteristic.
What are the 3 elements to the definition of direct discrimination?
- less favourable
- protected characteristics
What is indirect discrimination under the EA 2010?
When a policy or practice is put in place which prejudicies a group with a protected characteristic.
The elements for discrimination under the EA 2010 is
- comparator
-less favourable
- protected characteristics
No comparator needed
What is victimisation under the EA 2010?
When a person defends / provides evidence in relation to a claim under the EA 2010 and is then treated less favourably.
What is harassment under EA 2010?
A person is subject to unwanted conduct which:
- Relates to a protected characteristic
- is sexual in nature
- related to gender reassignment and results in less favourable treatment.
A disabled person must be at ‘substantial disadvantage’. What does substantial mean?
More than minor or trivial -> threshold relatively low
How has vicarious liability for the unlawful solicitor to discriminate against or harass a client?
Firm may be held vicariously liable, there is a defence that if the firm took steps that were reasonable to prevent the act before it took place
Does a firm need to make adjustments to the building even if they no disabled clients?
Yes, Act required to anticipated the possibility of a disabled person using the service
How can a client make a claim for the service provided?
At the County Court, there is no limit on the damages. Must be the person t
Where can an employee or prospective employee can a claim?
Employment Tribunal
S159 applies where an employer can treat a person with protected characteristics more favourably than others only if they are ..
as qualified as the others