Equality Flashcards
Stec v UK
About social welfare benefits and different pension ages
No ECHR right to benefits
But welfare benefits are a kind of property right
So ECHR finds that discrimination in welfare benefits is discrimination re: ECHR right to property
Illustration of how STR’s broad reading of Art14 gives it broad effect
UK wins tho bc they were in transitional period of equalizing the ages
R (Rotherham) v SSBIS
There is a CL principle of equal treatment
But it’s scop is uncertain
North England complaining about receiving less resources than devolved regions despite having comparative poverty
Gvt relied on objective justification
East Frican Asians Case (1981)
Blatant racism in UK shutting down entry rights of Asians expeleed from Uganda and KEny = Art 3 violation
Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali v UK
More difficult to bring husbands than wives into country from Asian subcontinent (bc they though men would be more trouble)
Art 14: Art 8 – private and family life
Thlimmenos v Greece (2000)
Jehovah’s witness refuses military service, imprisoned
ECHR says should have made exception
Sidabaras and Dziautas v Lithuania (2004)
Controversially wide ambit of Art 8 ECHR
Former KGB precluded from various posts
nothing about employment in ECHR
But here it was considered an Art8 violation
Some say this is too wide an interpretation of Art 8, and also makes ambit requirement irrelevant
Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza
Difficulty of having comparator when showing diifference of treatment in similarly situated persons
Survivor of long term homo couple discrim against
LL says no similarly situated to hetero couple, they are different social groups and homo couples are different to heteroo couples
Shows how there is often a difficult value judgment
Court will often link this to objective justification, effectively assume stage 2 is satisfied and jump straight to stage 4
DH v Czech Republic
Application of Art 14 analysis to the alleged segregation of Roma children within the Czech school system.
Article 2 Protocol 1 Right to education
R v SS Home Department, ex p Carson v Reynolds
Different pension payments for pensioners overseas depending on where you are.
Hoffman: suspect and non-suspect grounds
suspect = stuff like gender, race etc. Things where discrimination offends our notion of equal respect. The courts will carefully examine reasoning in this category
Non-suspect = any other personal characteristic. Discrimnation merely requires some rational justification, matter for the elected branches, as relates more to the general public interest.
R (on the application of RJM) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2008]
Determining personal characteristic under Art14
Wide interpretation should be taken of “or other status” and should not be too closely limited by the grounds which are specifically prohibited in the article
Homelessness was personal characteristic
Generally, if you are being identified as a kind of persone.g. homeless, this can be a stuas, but something incidental, e.g. amount of money in your bank account, this will not be
Mangold (2005)
Recognised general principle of equality under EU law
Now reflected in Charter of Fundamental Rights
Article 2 of Directive 2000/43/EC;
Art. 2 of Directive 2000/78/EC;
Art. 2 of Directive 2006/54/EC
All are essentially identical in how they define discrimination:
Behaviour that takes the form of ‘less favourable treatment’ is prohibited and cannot be shown to be objectively justified.
Art. 6 of Directive 2000/78/EC
Age discrimination is different, as direct age discrimination can (uniquely) be shown to be objectively justified. Note also the existence of the ‘genuine occupational requirement’ defence (see Article 4 of the EU Directives).]
CHEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD v Nikolova
Discrimination on the grounds of perception (‘perceived’ gender or ‘perceived ethnic group membership) or discrimination on the grounds of association with a person having a protected characteristic is also prohibited, as confirmed by the CJEU
R v Birmingham CC ex parte EOC [1989]
Direct Discrimination lacks justification defence
Birmingham grammar schools used to have gender quotas
60% boys 40% girls
When council took over they carried on bc it was traditional and the parents liked it
So they didn’t actually change anything and there were reasons
But Court said it doesn’t matter if you have reasoning bc its direct discrimination – you cant even raise these arguments