Equal Protection Flashcards
What is a Suspect Class?
Classifications are suspect if they are based on:
— Race
— National Origin
— Alienage
What is a Quasi-Suspect Class?
Classifications based on:
— Legitimacy
— Gender
Broadly, what 3 steps should you consider when dealing with an Equal Protection essay question (i.e. where government draws a distinction between some people, but not others)?
(1) What is the Classification? — (a) Discriminatory on its face; or (b) Facially neutral, but discriminatory intent AND impact.
(2) What level of Scrutiny should you apply?
(3) Does the law meet this Scrutiny Test?
To which parts of government does the 14th Amendment Equal Protection clause apply?
Applies only to State and Local Government; not to Federal.
Can the Equal Protection Clause ever apply to Federal Government if not through the 14th Amendment?
Yes, through the Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment.
How is the existence of race or national origin discrimination proven?
— The classification exists on its face, OR
— If the law is racially neutral on its face, then the plaintiff must show that the law had a DISCRIMINATORY IMPACT and a DISCRIMINATORY INTENT
If a law isn’t racially discriminatory or on its face, but has a discriminatory effect on people of a certain race, will that be sufficient to prove that the government has denied Equal Protection to such class?
No, discriminatory effect is insufficient if the law is neutral on its face.
Can quotas or positive discrimination be permissible under the Strict Scrutiny Test?
Yes, but they require clear proof of past discrimination and the new law is necessary to remedy such discrimination.
Can Educational Institutions use race as one factor to help admit more minorities?
Yes, but they must show that no racially neutral alternative would be able to achieve diversity.
The Scrutiny Test for Gender classification is what?
Intermediate Scrutiny, which means the law must be substantially related to an important government interest.
In addition to the Intermediate Scrutiny Test, courts now state that Gender classification will be allowed if there is… what?
How is the existence of Gender-related discrimination proven?
— The classification exists on its face, OR
— If the law is gender neutral on its face, then the plaintiff must show that the law had a DISCRIMINATORY IMPACT and a DISCRIMINATORY INTENT
How should gender classifications benefiting women be treated?
Gender classifications based on traditional role stereotypes will not be allowed (because they perpetuate destructive stereotypes).
Gender classifications that are designed to remedy past discrimination and differences in opportunity will be permitted.
What Scrutiny Test is applied for general alienage?
Strict Scrutiny
Is alienage a suspect class?