Equal Protection Flashcards
Equal Protection Clause
An equal protection claim arises whenever the government treats people differently from others
-State action required
Fourteenth amendment (state government) | Fifth Amendment (federal government)
Applicable standards:
-Fundamental right or suspect classification (strict scrutiny)
-Quasi-suspect classification (intermediate scrutiny)
-Everything else (rational basis review)
Discriminatory Classifications
Intent must be intentional for strict or intermediate scrutiny, which can be shown by:
1. Facial Discrimination
2. Discriminatory application of facially neutral law + evidence of discrimination
3. Facially neutral law with disparate impact on protected attack + evidence of discrimination
Suspect Classifications
- Race
- National Origin
- Alienage (citizenship status)
Race and national origin classifications
Race and national origin classifications are judged by strict scrutiny standard
-Housing patterns resulting in racial imbalance are valid
-Remedying the past effects of segregation (i.e., busing) are valid
>But assigning public primary or secondary students solely based on race to promote diversity in invalid
-Affirmative action to remedy general past “societal discrimination” is invalid
-Race may be used as non-predominant factor in high education affirmative action
>But affirmative action programs are not required and may be eliminated
Alienage classification (citizenship status)
Because of Congress’s plenary (absolute) power over aliens, federal alienage classifications are not subject to strict scrutiny
-Rational basis
-But state and local laws on alienage are subject to strict scrutiny
>Exception for participation in state government (i.e. jury service or voting) or non-elective offices (i.e., police officers or schoolteachers)
>Exceptions apply rational basis standard
*Undocumented aliens are not a suspect classification
-Subject to rational basis standard
>Undocumented alien children cannot be denied free public education
Quasi-Suspect classification
- Gender
- Legitimacy
Gender classification
Requires intermediate scrutiny: must be substantially related to an important government purpose
-Government must show exceedingly persuasive justification for the discrimination
>Based on role stereotypes are invalid
>Designed to remedy past discrimination may be valid
Gender Classifications:
1. Gender-based death benefits (invalid)
2. Gender-based peremptory strikes (invalid)
3. Alimony for women only (invalid)
4. Discriminatory minimum drinking age (invalid)
5. Discriminatory statutory rape laws (valid)
6. All-male draft (valid)
7. Requiring American fathers, but not mothers, to prove their parentage of non-marital children born abroad in order to obtain U.S. citizenship for them (valid)