EQ3 Flashcards
Who are the BRICs?
Brazil, Russia, India and China
What impacts are there on resources as a result of the rising superpowers?
Demand for energy increasing
increasing environ. impact
Growing inequality gap
EFP increasing
Which countries are responsible for the large resource pressure?
India and China as they are meeting the scale of EU & US usage very rapidly
What environmental impacts does the rise of superpowers have?
Pressure on land, farmland cannot support consumption, dramatic restricting of land required for renewables as well
What effectively illustrates the resource impact?
Change in car ownership
Why is there also an impact on older core regions?
There is an opportunity for emerging economic superpowers to challenge the exist the existing ones
What are some of the impacts on older core regions?
-falling consumer prices (EU, Japan & US due to semi-peripheral NIC and RIC economic activity)
-uncomfortable power shifts
geopolitical tension over fossil fuels
Who are the new players in the space race?
Russia, India, China and Japan
What is the older core’s wealth assured by?
Ownership of quaternary industry, high tech. research facilities and dominance of global finance and services of emerging countries
What is threatening the older core’s wealth and industries?
- increased outsourcing of research and tech. jobs to India
- Financial turmoil in banking sector during 2008 credit crunch
- Drastic shrinkage of the car industry since 1970s
How has the car industry seen a shrinkage?
Since 1970s
Lack of investment to compete with Japanese car tech.
Chinese car companies launching to world market (Dongfeng, FAW)
What are some examples of the uneven distribution of prosperity within BRICs?
China's prosperous coastal urban zone vs. poor rural inferior India's growing middle class in cities and southern states
How does the rise of superpowers benefit that country?
Brings new opportunities - tourism services, R& D growth in Gulf States as they can diversify away from oil and gas
Where are the increased tensions likely to stem from?
US vs. USSR due to cultural divide
Anti-Americanisation / Terrorism
European vs. American
What are the key differences between Europe and the US?
Emphasis on welfare state vs. Individual provision for healthcare and education
Tendency to eat as a family vs. Greater prevalence of fast food
Lower legal age for alcohol consumption in Europe
More liberal to nudity in the media vs. overtly religious
Not in favour of capital punishment vs. concerned about being number 1