what causes water stress
As the population of the world and the way we use water is changing, the demand for water is increasing. T
what defines water stress or water scarcity
When a water supply is limited within an area, it can be seen to have water stress or water scarcity. This can also be seen where the demand is significantly above that of the available clean water supply.
what is water stress defined by
Water stress is defined as an area with less than 1,700m3 water per person.
what is water scarcity defined by
Water scarcity is defined as an area with less than 1,000m3 water per person.
how can an increasing population cause water stress
As the world’s population is increasing, the amount of water that countries are expecting to use is increasing.
In developed nations with higher standards of living, this can result in the total demand being significantly higher than the natural supply.
how can improving standards of living cause water stress
In developed nations (i.e. the UK and USA) water-consuming devices like washing machines contribute to water consumption. Unnecessary uses of water like swimming pools and water fountains can also be found.
In contrast, more rural and underdeveloped areas only consume water that has been directly collected from a local water source (well or river).
As countries develop and the middle classes expand so do living standards and use of water-consuming devices.
how can agriculture cause water stress
In developing nations, the majority of water use will be assigned for agriculture because it is the main industry for income - but this water can be wasteful. (i.e. rice paddies).
Some countries have not developed a clear way of identifying water consumption and paying for it appropriately.
In rural Tanzania, farmers pay a one-off annual fee to access a water source (river or well). This leads to farmers using more water than necessary because they feel like they have already ‘paid for it’.
what are the physical factors that affect the level of water stress experienced by countries
the amount of precipitation and availability of freshwater from glacial ice sheets.
what causes countries to be least at risk from water stress
Countries near the equator have a low risk of water stress (e.g. Brazil).
Countries with large ice sheets (e.g. Greenland) also have a low risk of water stress.
why is Brazil at low risk from water stress
Countries near the equator have a low risk of water stress (e.g. Brazil).
This is because there is an area of low air pressure where warm, moist air rises before cooling and condensing to form clouds and precipitation.
why is Greenland at low risk from water stress
Countries with large ice sheets (e.g. Greenland) also have a low risk of water stress.
Most of Greenland is covered with an ice sheet that, despite the likelihood of being melted by climate change, will make sure that there is plenty of freshwater available for consumption.
why are some countries most at risk from water stress
Countries expected to see the highest likelihood of water stress are found in Northern Africa (e.g. Morocco) and the Middle East (e.g. the UAE).
Morocco and the UAE are found at 30o North, where the Hadley and Ferrell circulation cells meet.
The meeting of these cells causes an area of high pressure with sinking air, so there is no cloud formation and minimal rainfall.
Most deserts are found near 30o North or South.
what are the human causes of water stress
Fast-growing populations, high living standards and industry demands for water
why is Russia at low risk of water stress
Russia has a relatively high landmass in relation to its population. Because of the relatively low population, it is predicted that Russia is at a relatively low risk of water stress.
why is the usa at high risk of water stress
The USA lies across several latitudes with a large range of climatic zones and precipitation. High living standards mean the USA is the largest consumer per capita of water in the world. The amount of water used for industry means that the water resources are at risk.
why is India and china at high risk of water stress
India and China are seen to be at high risk of water stress. These countries have the fastest growing populations and an increase in middle classes using water consuming devices.
what are the physical causes of water insecurity
climate variability and salt-water encroachment.
climate variability
Climate variation leads to regions with high rainfall (e.g. Amazon rainforest) and areas which are arid (e.g. the Sahel).
Other areas receive rainfall during a short rainy season such as the monsoon in Southern Asia.
Climate change alters weather patterns and increases the differences between climates.
Rajasthan in India has experienced a reduction in aquifer recharge due to changes in evaporation and precipitation rates as well as runoff rates.
salt water encroachment
Saltwater encroachment is the processes where groundwater near the coast is contaminated with salt water.
During normal conditions, groundwater and soil moisture are kept as freshwater due to its movement towards the sea but sea level rise, coastal erosion and local abstraction of groundwater increase the risk of saltwater intrusion.
Tuvalu as an example of salt water encroachment
The South Pacific Nation of Tuvalu has the highest point of three meters above sea level- so is suffering from sea level rise.
Sea level rise has lead to all groundwater being contaminated due to saltwater encroachment. Tuvalu has to import the majority of their water needs.
The salt water has entered into the soil and has destroyed much of the crop that once grew on the land, limiting their food resources further
what are the human causes of water insecurity
Water insecurity can be caused by human factors including river and aquifer over-abstraction, agricultural water contamination and industrial water pollution.
how can agricultural water contamination lead to water insecurity
Water can be contaminated beyond human use because of agricultural waste products.
For example, excess fertilisers or pesticides can be washed away by rainwater, resulting in that water being too contaminated for human consumption.
agriculture and water use
Agriculture is the single largest user of water. 70% of the world’s water is used for agriculture, rising to around 90% in developing countries. This means a significant amount of the available water is being contaminated.
how can industrial water pollution lead to water insecurity
Industry can lead to water pollution for a large number of reasons:
A lack of regulation of the waste products entering the river and water systems. This allows pollutants and other waste products to contaminate the waterways.
Mining causes dangerous metals to enter the water systems.
Untreated sewage leads to harmful bacteria being consumed by those using that water.
how can industrial water pollution lead to water insecurity
Industry can lead to water pollution for a large number of reasons:
A lack of regulation of the waste products entering the river and water systems. This allows pollutants and other waste products to contaminate the waterways.
Mining causes dangerous metals to enter the water systems.
Untreated sewage leads to harmful bacteria being consumed by those using that water.
how can rivers and aquifers over abstraction lead to water insecurity
Globally, around 20% of all aquifers are considered to be over-abstracted.
For example in Rajasthan, India, Coca-Cola bottling factories have abstracted water so quickly that the water table dropped over 15 metres in 10 years. This lead to bore holes being drilled by local farmers in search of water as their personal wells and reservoirs ran dry - leading to protests.