EQ2.1 - Defining And Measuring Development Flashcards
What is development
Development is the economical/social/political/environmental progress, a country has made which will be beneficial to all types of people.
What is the poverty line?
The minimum income required to meet someone’s basic needs ($1.25 per day is the current poverty line)
What is inequality
Inequality is how wealth is shared among the population
What is GDP Per capita
the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year divided by the total population to show the wealth per person
What is a countries access to safe water
Percentage of people with access of clean water within 1km
What is a literacy rate?
The percentage of people over 15 who can read and write
What is a corruption index
Corruption ended is the systems of governance and shows where investors where money goes
What is the Human Development Index(HDI)
It is calculated using an average of indicators like: life expectancy,education,literacy,education,GDP per capita
What is the population structure
The percent of people In each age group divided into make and female
What is demographic data
All data linked to population changes:birth rate,death rate ect
What is birth rate
The number of births per 1000 in a year
What is death rate
The number of deaths per 1000 per year
What is the dependency ratio
Portion of young people(0-14) and above (65) added divided by the working age x100
What is fertility rate
Average number of births per woman in her reproductive cycle
What is infant mortality
Number of children per 1000 live births who die before the age of 1