EQ2:How Do Charcteristic Coastal Landforms Contribute To Coastal Landscapes Flashcards
How is a wave created?
A wave is created through friction between the wind and water surface, transferring energy from the wind into the water. This generates ripples, which grow into waves when the wind is sustained.
What’s beach morphology
The shape of a beach including its width/slope
What’s a sediment profile
Pattern of distribution of different sizes.shaped deposited materials
What does wave size depend on
the strength of the wind
the duration for which the wind blows
water depth
wave fetch
How does a wave break?
1)When waves reaching the shore reach a wave depth of 1/2 their wavelength, the internal orbital motion of water within the wave touches the sea bed.
2)Friction between the sea bed begins to distort the wave particle orbit from circular to elliptical, and slows down the wave.
3)The wave has entered the offshore zone
4)The wave depth decreases further, and the wave velocity slows, wavelength shortens, and wave height increases. Waves ‘bunch’ together.
5)The wave crest begins to move forwards much faster than the wave trough
6)Eventually the wave crest outruns the trough and the wave topples forwards - breaking.
7)The wave breaks in the nearshore zone, and water flows up the beach as swash
8)The wave then losses energy and gravity pulls the water back down the beach as backwash
What are constructive waves?
-Low energy waves
-Low, flat wave height (<1m)
-Long wavelength (up to 100 m)
-Low wave frequency (about 6-9 per minute)
This means their swash is unimpeded by previous backwash
-A strong swash that pushes sediment up the beach, but a weaker backwash is unable to transport all particles back down, so they are deposited it as a ridge of sediment (berm) at the top of the beach
-A backwash that percolates into the beach material
encouraged by a long, shallow nearshore, so friction slows down the wave and releases energy
-Constructive (spilling or surging) waves have a stronger swash than backwash due to a low angle of wave impact
-results in less steeper beach profile as sediment is being pushed up the beach.
What’s destructive waves?
-Weak swash and powerful backwash produces a net transport of sediment down the beach, reducing beach gradient.
-Some sediment thrown forwards in detached spray of high impact breaking wave. Accumulates above high tide mark as storm ridge.
-Large, pebble-sized sediment dragged down beach by backwash to form wide ridge of material below low tide mark at start of offshore zone.
-Friction may be sufficient to cause backwash to down some sediment on middle or lower beach, with deposited sediment size decreasing towards sea.
What are ridges?
Area of foreshore that’s raised
What’s runnels
A shallow trough in foreshore
What’s runnels
A shallow trough in foreshore
What’s a berm
Shingle ridges formed beneath the storm beach
What’s a storm beach?
Very coarse sediment deposited here during severe storms
What are long-shore bars
A shore parallel bar separated from the beach by a deep trough
What’s a cusp
Crescent-shaped indentations that form on beaches of mixed sand and shingle -due to wave refraction
-cusp is where fine sediment is ,bay is where the coarse sediment is
What are daily changes that can change beach morphology and sediment profiles over time.
-storm season— waves get more energy,leads to formation on destructive waves which can erode landscape
-winter season-Calm anticyclonic conditions in winter can produce constructive waves that begin to rebuild beach, steepening profile for few days before storm
-Destructive waves change to constructive ones as the wind drops.
-Storm beaches, high at the back of the beach, result from high energy deposition of very coarse sediment during the most severe storms