EQ1- What Is Human Development And Why Do Levels Vary From Place To Place Flashcards
Define development
What does it include
Means change for the better, an idea of progress.
Includes industrialisation, urbanisation, increased standard of living and improved quality of life.
Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Explain a drawback of this indicator as a measure of development
Is the total value of goods and services a country produces in a year, reflecting the country’s economic activity.
Doesn’t take into account subsistence agriculture or the informal economy
Define GDP per capita
Is GDP divided by the population, giving a measure of mean wealth
Define GDP per capita (PPP)
Considers the difference in costs of living between countries
Define Gross National Income (GNI) per capita
Is the total wealth created by a country, including exports.
Define Human Development Index (HDI)
Explain a drawback of this indicator as a measure of development
Is a socio-economic measure of development based on GDP, Literacy levels and life expectancy. Gives a composite indicator of development.
Does not take into account environmental quality or inequality.
Define Gini-coefficient
Is a measure of income inequality that condenses the entire income distribution for a country into a single number between 0 and 1. Lower the more equal.
Define the Happy planet index (HPI)
A measure of the sustainable well-being, showing the extent to which countries deliver long, happy and sustainable lives to people. Based on life expectancy, well being and ecological footprint.
Define the World’s happiness index
Is a social indicator measuring a country’s level of social support, generosity, life expectancy, corruption, GDP per capita and freedom of choice
Define the Freedom Index
Considers political rights, civil liberties and freedom status
Explain how economic development helps promote health
Was argued by Hans Rosling who said that countries that have developed most rapidly have made the greatest progress in health, family size and life expectancy. Rosling believed that economic growth was the most important way of achieving promotions in health.
Explain Bolivia’s social development as a contested measure of human development
What is it
Positive and negative impacts
Is a socialist model started by Evo Morales, the first indigenous president. He adopted a anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist stance and development was based on the exploitation of natural gas and mineral resources.
Involves wealth being shared amongst the people, 1/2 million Bolivians have been lifted out of poverty.
A 1/4 of Bolivians still live on only $2 a day, remains one of the poorest countries in South America, little development in terms of education, equal opportunities and freedom of choice.
Explain Sharia law as a contested measure of human development
What is it
Positive and negative
Degree of success
An extreme form of Islam which has extreme form of public punishments for theft and adultery, men are allowed to beat their wives and woman cannot drive.
Has allowed economic development to take place due to strict compliance.
See’s a violation of human rights, there are extreme punishments for wrong public or private behaviour.
Countries applying sharia law are a mix of rich countries (Burma, Saudi Arabia and UAE) and poor countries (Afghanistan, Sudan and Yemen)
State why education is central to economic development
Skilled workforce for economic development
Cultural appreciation
Democratic participation
Assertion of human rights
Define Human Capital
Is the knowledge, assets or skills a person can bring to a organisation.