EQ1- Glaciation Flashcards
What state is the Earth currently in?
Earth is an icehouse because glaciers haven’t completely melted, and large sheets of ice are still present.
A greenhouse earth occurs when there are no continental glaciers on the planet as a result of warming processes, such as high levels of greenhouse gases in atmosphere may be due to volcanic activity.
What does glacial and interglacial mean?
cold period (glacial)- ice advances
warm period (interglacial)- ice retreats
We are in an interglacial period.
What is the name of the ice age the earth is currently in?
Quaternary which started 2.6 million years ago.
What two epochs is the quaternary ice age divided into?
Pleistocene- lasted approx 11,500-12,000 years ago.
Holocene- began 10,000 years ago and continues today.
What are the three main characteristics of the pleistocene?
- wasnt just a single ice age. Lasted 2 million years, temps fluctuated enough to allow advances and also retreates.
- The extent to the ice advance during each glacial was different.
3.There are fluctuations within each major glacial.
What is the difference between stadials and interstadials?
They are stages dividing the quaternary period.
-Stadials are periods of colder climates.
-interstadials are periods of warmer climates.
What are the long- term factors of climate change? (Milankovitch cycles)
- Eccentricity cycle (ORBIT) - the shape of the Earth’s orbit varies from circular to elliptical over 100,000 year cycles. This means that the amount of solar radiation received in summer and winter equinoxes changes causing an increase in the magnitude of seasonal changes. Temperatures at high latitudes in northern hemisphere decrease increasing ice volume. This sets up a positive feedback loop where increased ice in northern hemisphere increases albedo further reducing temps and increases in ice volume.
2.Obliquity cycle:(TILT) the tilt of the Earth’s axis varies between 21.5 degrees and 24.5 degrees over 41,000- year cycles. When the tilt is less, there are warmer winters but cooler summers and so glaciers do not melt in the summer and so advance. This reflects more of incoming solar radiation further cooling the planet and causing variations in ice volume.
3.Precession of equinoxes- the earth wobbles as it spins on its axis. This changes the point in the year at which the Earth is closest to the sun (axial precession) over a 22,000 year time cycle.
These three orbital cycles can combine together to minimise the amount of solar energy reaching the northern hemisphere during summer (leading to cooler summers overall). The impact of combined orbital changes on solar radiation amount is small, to explain larger temp changes we have to look at climate feedback mechanisms.
What is the positive climate feedback mechanism? increasing the warming or cooling rates
-Small increases in ice raise surface albedo (reflectivity) so more solar energy is reflected back into space, leading to further cooling- could lead to further snowfall and ice cover due to cooling
-the melting of snow/ ice cover by co2 emissions decreases albedo, and methane is emitted as permafrost melts, and warming seas lead to calcing of ice sheets, leading to loss of snow/ ice cover and of surface albedo accelerating further warming.
What is the negative feedback: decreasing the warming or cooling rates
- increasing global warming leads to more evaporation and, over time, pollution adds to global cloud cover. Increasingly cloudy skies could reflect more solar energy back to space and diminish the effect of warming.
- ice sheet dynamics can distrupt the thermohaline circulation (THC). Warming water in the arctic disrupts ocean currents; less warm water from the gulf stream is drawn north, leading to global cooling in norther europe.
Explain two short- term causes of climate change (6 marks)
- Sunspots are caused by intense magnetic activity in the sun’s interior.
- An increase in the number of sunspots means that the sun is more active and giving off more energy, so sunspot numbers indicate levels of solar output.
- They appear to vary over an 11 year cycle.
- The climate has fluctuated during the holocene epoch with cooler temperatures between 1330 and 1830 ( the little ice age)
- Evidence that the little ice age cooling was triggered by variations in solar output.
- during 1650-1750 indicates that very little sunspot activity was occurring and during this time Europe and North America experienced colder temperatures.
- IN April 1815 Mount Tambora (Indonesia) produced one of most powerful volcanic eruptions recorded in history.
- Very cold weather the year after the eruption.
- Initially, scientists thought that the ash emitted into the atmosphere from large volcanic eruptions was responsible for cooling by partially blocking the transmission of solar radiation.
- However, it was discovered that most of the ash thrown into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions returns to the earths surface within months.
- The most significant volcanic impact is the injection into the atmosphere of large quantities of sulphur dioxide gas, which remains in atmosphere for three years.
- Sulphate aerosol are formed, which increases the reflection of radiation from the sun back into space, cooling the earth.
Feedback mechanisms would be needed to amplify change
Describe the causes of the loch lomond stadial
The loch lomond stadial was triggered when drainage of the huge proglacial lake Agassiz disrupted the THC, thus cutting off the poleward heat transport from the gulf stream.
Describe the characteristics of the loch lomond stadial
- Around 12,500 years ago the temperatures plunged downwards and by 11,500 years ago, glacial conditions occurred with 6-7 degrees lower.
- Caused glaciers to re-advance in many parts of the world including the formation of ice caps in Scotland.
- After the event, rapid rise of 7 degrees with a rapid rise in sea level.
Describe the cause of the little ice age
- Period of cooling which occurred after the medieval warm period.
- Lasted from about 1550-1850
- volcanic activity caused it (although can’t be solely explained by volcanoes) and also low levels of solar radiation due to lack of sunspot.
Describe the characteristics of the little ice age
- colder by 1-2 degrees.
Many impacts such as: - arctic sea ice spread further south with polar bears seen in iceland
- rivers in UK and lowland Europe froze over.
- Many glaciers in europe re-advanced
- icelands cereal crops also failed.
- Greenland largely cut off by ice.
Why was the little ice age developing into a new stadial prevented?
- the industrial revolution and coal.
- release of co2 triggered climate warming, halting the cold period.