EPSP, IPSP, Etc. (Tuesday) Flashcards
What is the purpose of EPSPs?
to depolarize the membrane to activate an action potential
How do you get a fast action potential with a length constant?
you want the smallest amount of resistance (rm/ num of leak channels) and the largest amount of internal resistance (ri/thickness of dendrite)
Which synapse can better depolarize with a length constant? One with a thin dendrite and many leak channels or the vice versa?
the latter since you can picture a tick hose with few holes gets more water out than the former
What does spatial summation do?
it uses the SUMMATION of mini potentials in separate dendrites to create a large action potential
What does temporal summation do?
it uses the spacing of mini potentials in a single dendrite to trigger an action potential
How do you get a fast action potential with a time constant?
you want both membrane resistance and membrane capacitance (cm/surface area of neuron) to be large
What will depolarize better? Three spikes of mini potentials that are closer together and spread out or the vice versa?
the former since they summate in a smaller time frame
What is the purpose of IPSPs?
they hyper polarize the the membrane by making it more negative which then reduces/cancels out the action potential