EPs And Limits Flashcards
Vso (stall speed in landing configuration)
Vs1 (stall speed in specified (clean) configuration)
Vy (best rate of climb)
Vx (best angle of climb)
Vle (maximum landing gear extension speed)
Vlo (maximum landing gear operating speed)
Vfe (maximum flap extension speed)
DA 20 - 100 KIAS (takeoff) - 78 KIAS (landing)
Va (maneuvering speed)
DA 20 - 106 KIAS
Vno (normal operating speed)
DA 20 - 118 KIAS
Vne (never exceed speed)
DA 20 - 164 KIAS
Normal climb out speed
normal approach to land speed
what engine-out glide speed will give you maximum range
What is the make and horsepower of the engine
how may usable gallons of fuel can you carry
where are the fuel tanks located, and what are their capacities?
Where are the fuel vents for your aircraft
what is the octane rating of the fuel used by your aircraft
where are the fuel sumps located on your aircraft? When should you drain them?
What are the minimum and maximum oil capacities?
What weight of oil is being used
what is the maximum oil temp and pressure
is the landing gear fixed, manual, hydraulic or electric?
What are the nose wheel turning limitations for your aircraft?
What is the maximum allowable/demonstrated crosswind component
how many people will the aircraft carry safely with a full fuel load
what is the maximum allowable weight the aircraft can carry with baggage in the baggage compartment
what takeoff distance is required if a takeoff were made from a sea level pressure altitude
what is your maximum allowable useful load
solve a weight and balance problem for the flight you plan to make with one passenger at 170 pounds.
a. does your load fall within the weigh and balance envelope?
b. what is the final gross weight
c. how much fuel can be carried
d. how much baggage can be carried with full fuel?
e. Know the function of the various types of antennae on your aircraft.
Wing span tip to tip
DA 20 - 35 ft 9 in
length nose to tail
DA 20 - 23 ft 9 in
DA 20 - 7 ft 1 in
DA 20 - Worthmann FX 63-137/2- HOAC
Wing area
DA 20 - 125 sq ft (11.6 m2)
wing mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
DA 20 - 3 ft 6.9 in (1.09 m)
usable fuel
DA 20 - 24.0 US gal
unusable fuel
DA 20 - 0.5 US gal
Approved fuel grades
DA 20 - AVGAS 100 or 100LL
DA 20 - two-bladed fix pitched propeller
diameter - 5 ft 9 in
pitch 62.8 inches
max ramp weight
DA 20 - 1770 lbs
max take off weight
DA 20 - 1764 lbs
max landing weight
DA 20 - 1764 lbs
empty weight
DA 20 -
maximum bag compartment weight
DA 20 - 44 lbs
white arc
DA 20 - 34 - 78 KIAS
green arc
DA 20 - 42 - 118 KIAS
yellow arc
DA 20 - 118 - 164 KIAS
red line
DA 20 - 164 KIAS
oil pressure red line/lower limit green arc/normal operating yellow arc/caution range red line/upper limit
DA 20 - red line/lower limit - 10 PSI green arc/normal operating - 30 - 60 psi yellow arc/caution range - 10 - 30 psi, 60 - 100 psi red line/upper limit - 100 PSI
oil temp red line/lower limit green arc/normal operating yellow arc/caution range red line/upper limit
DA 20 -
red line/lower limit - 75 degrees F
green arc/normal operating - 170 - 220 degrees F
yellow arc/caution range - 75 - 170 degrees F / 220 - 240 degrees F
red line/upper limit 240 degrees F
fuel pressure indicator
red line / lower limit
red line / upper limit
DA 20 -
red line / lower limit - 3.5 psi
red line / upper limit - 16.5 psi
engine failure after take-off with flaps in T/O position
maneuvering speed
airspeed for best glide
precautionary landing
emergency landing with engine off wing flaps in T/O position
emergency landing with engine off wing flaps in ldg position
emergency landing engine off wing flaps cruise
Engine Failure during take off run
throttle - idle brakes - as required flaps - cruise mixture - idle cut-off ignition switch - off gen/bat master switch - off
engine failure after take off
Insufficient Engine Power
airspeed - 60 KIAS throttle - full mixture - full rich alternate air - on fuel shut off valve - open ignition switch - both fuel pump - on
engine failure after take off
Shortly Before Landing
mixture - idle cut off fuel shut off valve - closed ignition switch - off flaps - as required gen/bat master switch - off
engine failure during flight
engine running roughly
mixture - full rich
alternate air - open
fuel shut-off valve - open
fuel pump - on
ignition switch - cycle L - BOTH - R - BOTH
throttle - at present position
no improvement - reduce throttle to minimum required power, land as soon as possible
loss of oil pressure
oil temp - check
if oil pressure drops below green arc above 2100 RPM- land at the nearest suitable airport
if oil pressure drops below green arc and oil temp is rising - reduce throttle to minimum required power and land as soon as possible. Be prepared for engine failure and an emergency landing
loss of fuel pressure
fuel pump - on, and land at the nearest suitable airport
if fuel pressure is not restored - land at nearest suitable airport. Be prepared for engine failure and an emergency landing
restarting the engine with propeller windmilling
airspeed - 73 KIAS mixture - full rich fuel shut-off valve - open ignition switch - both fuel pump - on fuel prime - on throttle - 3/4 in forward After successful re-start oil pressure - check oil temp - check fuel prime - off electrically powered equipment - on if required
restarting the engine with propeller at fuel stop
airspeed - 73 KIAS electrically powered equipment - off Gen/Bat master switch - on Mixture - full rich fuel shut off valve - open fuel pump - on fuel prime - on throttle - 3/4 in forward ignition switch - start ignition switch with push to start (optional) START (turn then push) after successful re-start oil pressure - check oil temp - check fuel prime - off electrically powered equipment - on if required
wing flaps - cruise
airspeed at 1764 lbs - 73 KIAS
glide ratio 11:1
emergency landing with engine off
airspeed (flaps T/O) - 60 KIAS airspeed (flaps LDG) - 55 KIAS airspeed (flaps cruise) - 64 KIAS Fuel shut-off valve - closed mixture - idle cut off ignition switch - off safety belts - secured radio - transmit 121.5 mhz, giving location and intentions flaps - as required Gen/Bat master switch - off after touch down - apply brakes
precautionary landing with engine power available
1) search for a suitable place to land. Special attention must be given to wind direction and obstacles in the approach path
2) safety belts - secured
3) initiate descent
4) mixture - full rich
5) throttle - as required
6) trim - as required
7) wing flaps - as required (observe permissible speed)
8) over fly selected landing area (not below 500 ft/150m above ground) to confirm suitability and that approach route is free of obstacles
9) climb up to pattern altitude
10) low pass over flight at a safe altitude to observe any possible obstacles, such as cables, fences, ditches
11) climb up to pattern altitude
12) radio - transmit, giving location and intentions
13) final approach
a) mixture - full rich
b) throttle - as required
c) fuel pump - on
d) wing flaps - LDG
e) airspeed - 55 KIAS
14) touch-down is to be made with minimum airspeed, nose wheel should be kept above ground as long as possible
15) after touch-down
a) brake - as required
b) fuel shut-off valve - closed
c) mixture - idle cut off
d) ignition switch - off
e) Gen/Bat master switch - off
engine fire during engine start up on the ground if the engine starts
throttle - 1800 RPM for a few minutes
engine - shutdown and inspect
engine fire during engine start up on the ground if the engine fails to start
ignition switch - continue cranking throttle - max pwr mixture - idle cutoff fuel shut off valve - closed cabin heat - off fuel pump - off gen/batt master switch - off ignition switch - off airplane - evacuate fire - extinguish engine - inspect
engine fire during flight
fuel shut off valve - closed cabin heat - closed airspeed - 73 KIAS fuel pump - off perform emergency landing with engine off according to paragraph 3.3.3
electrical fire including smoke during flight
1) gen/bat master switch - off
2) cabin air - open
3) fire extinguisher - use only if smoke development continues
4) avionics master switch - off
5) electrically powered equipment - off
6) circuit breakers - pull all circuit breakers
7) circuit breakers - push BATTERY
8) gen/bat master switch - ON BAT 1/2 only
9) circuit breakers - push gen & gen control
10) gen/bat master switch - on
11) circuit breakers - on the AVIONIVS panel push the MASTER and MASTER CONTROL circuit breakers
12) avionics master switch - on
13) circuit breakers - push to activate systems as requried
14) radio - on
15) land as soon as possible
electrical fire including smoke on the ground
1) gen/bat master switch - off
IF Engine is Running
2) throttle - idle
3) mixture - idle cut off
4) fuel shut off valve - closed
5) ignition switch - off
6) canopy - open
7) fire extinguisher - discharge as required
cabin fire during flight
gen/bat master switch - off cabin air - open cabin heat - closed fire extinguisher - discharge as required land as soon as possible
icing unintentional flight into icing area
a) leave icing area (through change of altitude or change of flight direction to reach area with higher outside air temp
b) continue to move control surfaces to maintain their movability
c) alternate air - on
d) increase RPM to avoid icing of propeller blades (observe maximum RPM)
e) cabin heat - on defrost
recovery from unintentional spin
throttle - idle
rudder - full applied opposite to direction of spin
control stick - ease forward
rudder - neutral after rotation has stopped
wing flaps - cruise
elevator - pull cautiously. bring airplane from descent into level flight position. do not exceed maximum permissible speed
landing with defective tire on main landing gear
a) final approach with wing flaps in landing position
b) land airplane on the side of runway opposite to the side with the defective tire to compensate for change in direction which is to be expected during final rolling
c) land with wing slightly tipped in the direction of the non-defective tire. To increase the maneuverability during rolling, the nose-wheel should be brought to the ground as soon as possible after touch-down
d) to ease the load on the defective tire, the aileron should be fully applied in the direction of the non-defective tire
electrical power failure - total electrical power failure
battery circuit breaker - if tripped, reset
gen/bat master switch - check on
master switch - off if power not restored
if unsuccessful - land at nearest suitable airport
electrical power failure - generator failure
gen/bat master switch - cycle generator master switch off-on
generator circuit breaker - if tripped, reset
generator control circuit breaker - if tripped reset
if generator can not be brought on line - switch off all non flight essential electrical consumers. monitor ammeter and voltmeter land at nearest suitable airport
low voltage indication (needle in yellow arc)
flap system failure
starter relay failure
avionics system failure
trim system failure
instrument panel lighting failure