EPR and methologies Flashcards
What is EPR?
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance.
It is a spectroscopic technique that detects species that have UNPAIRED electrons.
What is ES(M) R ?
Electron Spin (Magnetic) Resonance
List some
Unpaired e- species:
1) Radicals
2) Transition metals
3) Defects in material
How does EPR work? Differences between
A spin of an electron gives it a magnetic Moment. A magnetic field has two orientations (+1/2 or -1/2)
In DIAmagnetic species all electrons paired and so overall it has NO SPIN
PARAmagnetic species have at least one UNPAIRED electron and so have spin. EPR deals with unpaired.
Where there is no magnetic fields, the e- have SAME ENERGY and so SAME number of UNPAIRED e- in both states (one + and - means no net spin) but where there is an magnetic field (B0), the e- don’t have the same energy
What is spectroscopy
The differene beteen the 2 energy levels (low energy -e- and high energy +e-.
E difference is proportional to the magnetic field; increase field, increases difference
The absolute energy difference between the high and low energy states is what determines the population distribution between the states.
No E difference in the absence of a field.
What is the Boltzmann distribution?
This determines the the ratio/proportion of e- in high and low states; the equation shows particles partitioning between energy states.
The higher the frequency, the greater SENSITIVITY to the technique used.
The population difference in EPR is greater than NMR , so EPR is more sensitive
Describe the difference between the two energy states.
If it orients itself parallel to the field it is in a low energy state(-1/2)
If it orients itself anti-parallel to the field it is in a high energy state (+1/2) It takes (greater) energy to turn a magnet around AGAINST the field,
What exactly is detected by the EPR spectrum?
At equilibrium, there is an small excess of number of spins in the LOW ENERGY state.
The state of resonance is detected: where the electron absorbs or emits the correct amount of electromagnetic radiation (at the correct frequency) in order to move between energy levels.
ie, the movement from low to high.
How can an electron can be brought into a state of resonance?
change in energy depends on magnetic field and so e- moves if:
1) fixed frequency and vary the field- CONTINUOUS WAVE (CW) technique; magnetic field increases E change only at fixed frequency a which point it will show an absorption peak
2) fixed field, vary the frequency- DOMAIN/PULSED technique
describe CW EPR type resonance spectrums
Spectrum : x axis magnetic field, y axis absorbance.
When y=zero this corresponds to absorbance peak maximum.
the gradient of the absorbance peak (derivative of the spectrum)
Electrons are shown to relax FASTER 9than protons
describe pulsed EPR type resonance spectrum
Resonance only
occurs when correct
frequency is obtained
Frequency applied as a pulse of short high energy microwaves.
instruments produce short enough pulses to excite about 100MHz of spectrum; the size of the pulse determines on how much of spectrum to excite.
However this technique is difficult, required frequencies are hard to obtain so CW is used.
In Pulsed ERP
Each e- is represented by a vector in either +z (low energy) or -z (high energy) the NET magnetization determines the direction of the magnetic field (B0)
If field is applied, the net magnetisation will turn 45 degrees, then 90 degrees at which point it will align with B1 direction.
At B1 net magnetisation, PHASE COHERENCE happens.
In pulsed EPR
To revert the B1 state to the equilibrium state through RELAXATION
T) spin-lattice relaxation (longitudinal) where z magnetization decreases.
Tii) spin-spin relaxation (transverse) where xy magnetisation and so increase in Z
Ti always LONGER than Tii
In Pulsed EPR
DEADTIME is the length of time for excess energy to DISSIPATE from the system before detection; the time in between initial pulse and measurement
Pulsed EPR relies on spin echo experiment; spin echo recovery sequence (90x-t-180y-t- echo)
1) apply 90 degree pulse (so z direction to y direction) and wait time (t) in which they go clockwise from y
2) apply pulse in 180 degree on the y axis so e- are flipped and wait or time in which they travel back o start point y.
Tii at this stage, spread out called dephasing
3) echo- when in phase (e- direction same a SIGNAL is seen