Epq5 Flashcards
PIREP reporting procedures can be found in the
Flight Information Handbook
What other in flight reports may be made?
Minimum or emergency fuel
Position reports
Hazardous lazar activity
Electro mag interference
What current and relevant info should a pilot get
Weather observations and forecasts
NOTAMS and Temp flight restrictions
Airfield suitability and restrictions report
Unless otherwise instructed by ATC pilots are expected to hold in a
Standard pattern
Inbound holding leg time is 1 minute when holding
At or below 14,000
Inbound holding leg is 1 -1/2 min
When above 14,000
Is a TACAN station passage acceptable for a holding fix
Non charged holding pattern ATC will provide the pilot with what info
Direction Holding fix Hiding course Leg length Direction of turn EFC
ATC should issue holding instructions at least how many minutes before reaching a limit fix
5 minutes
Pilot should slow down how many minutes prior from a fix
3 minutes
At USAF airfields the max holding speed is _____ unless otherwise noted
310 KIAS
Max holding speed MHA thru 6,000’ MSL
200 KIAS
Max holding above 6,000’ MSL thru 14000’
230 KIAS
When are you considered established in holding
Upon initial passage of the holding fix
Unless correcting for known winds make all turns during entry and while holding at
30 deg AOB or 3 deg per sec