Epoch 4, 5, 6 Flashcards
The Lord is…
salvation (deliverer)
The Lord will…
go ahead of you
The Lord was…
fighting for Israel
We will…
serve the Lord
The Lord raised up…
a deliverer for Israel
What kind of tower did Joshua make after he and the Israelites crossed the Jordan River?
a tower made of 12 stones
What city fell after being marched around for seven days?
City of Jericho
What was the first defeat by Joshua and his army when fighting for the promised land?
The small city of Ai
What was Achan’s sin?
He stole plunder from the city of Jericho, he stole from God
What was the Central Conquest?
God commands Joshua and his army to destroy the inhabitants of the Canaanite towns, because they were Canaanite (Achan’s sin) Defeats 31 Kings
What is Mount Ebal?
The mount where Joshua built the 12 stone altar to permanently mark the unity and inclusion as the people of God
The Southern Conquest
further expansion of taking the promise land in the South, 5 Amorite Kings, no survivors
The Northern Conquest
further expansion of taking the promised land in the North, totally destroyed
What 6 cities were refuge cities?
Kedesh, Hebron, Shechem, Bezer, Ramoth Gilead, Golan
How many towns were given to the Levites, priests, and clans?
48 total
Where di Joshua renew the peoples covenant with God
What was the order of the Cycle of Apostasy?
Apostasy, servitude, supplication, salvation
What is the term where people “did as they please”?
Tribal Depravity
Central sanctuary site of the Israelites (Location of the Tabernacle for many years)
Ark of covenant captured & returned to Kiriath-Jearim
City that held the Ark after its retreavel due to the destruction of Shiloh
Ark of Covenant - Brought to Jerusalem
Jerusalem Temple
Destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar
Solomon’s palace
Destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar
King Solomon
son and successor of King David
King David
Shepherd chosen by God and anointed by Samuel as King of Israel
Oldest son of King David
Third and favorite son of David
Fourth son of David, natural heir to throne, self-proclaimed himself king while David was ill.
Wife of Uriah and then David after Uriah was murdered by David, the lady bathing David saw
Prophet Nathan
Tells David about Adonijah’s self-proclamation as king when he is ill, making Solomon king
King Saul
First king of Israel, chosen by Samuel and God, because the people wanted a king, handsome and head taller than everyone
son of king Saul, friend of David’s and helped him escape Saul’s rath, also was Davids brother in law
fourth son of Saul and last of the family to be king of Israel, killed by his own army captains Baanah and Rechab (who hoped it would win favor with David)
Barren preferred wife of Elkanah, prays fervently (weeping) for child and recieves Samuel, devotes him to God and he becomes prophet
Priest and judge of Israel, thought Hannah was drunk when praying, but discovered she wasn’t. He raised Eli in the tabernacle. He failed to rein in the behavior of his son’s resulting in them dying in battle.
Sons of Eli, appropriated best sacrifices for themselves and had sexual relations with sanctuary serving women
Prophet Samuel
last judge and first prophet in Israel, very faithful to God
“The Lord’s glory has…”
Departed from Israel
“Israel has rejected…”
the Lord as king
Manasseh, Gad, Reuben build altar to the Lord
Joshua’s farewell and covenant renewal
Northwest Mesopotamia (oppressor) Judge of Israel
Moabite (oppressor) judge of Israel (Assassinated Eglon, fat king)
Woman prophet, Canaanites (oppressor) judge of Israel
Midianites (oppressor) judge of israel (300 men to battle Midianites)
Ammonites (Oppressor) judge of Israel, killed his daughter
Judge of Israel, philistines foreign oppressor
“heard by God” - “Speak LORD, for your servant is listening”
Saul (2)
rejected as king by the LORD, failed to obey the word of the Lord
King Joram
son of Ahab, War with Moab (alliance w. Jehoshaphat and Edom), War w. Hazael, King of Aram Damascus
King Jehu
Kills Joram and Jehoshaphat, Kills descendants of Ahab, Baal, Jezebel, Continued to worship golden calves at Bethel and Dan
King Jehoahaz and King Jehoash
- Oppressed Hazael
- Lords arrow of victory, Elisha died, buried man lies on his bones and comes back to life
Kings judged evil
Jeroboam 1, Omri, Ahab, Hoshea
Ahijah, Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Jonah
The Kings “…”
“did evil in the eyes of the Lord”
The Prophets “…”
“Repent and live”
“this turn of…”
this turn of events was from the Lord, to fulfill the word of the Lord”
King Rehoboam
First king of Judah
King Jeroboam
First King of Northern Israel, increased the labor and taxes on the people of Israel
King Omri
Father of Ahab, moved Capital of Israel to Samaria
King Ahab and Jezebel
King of Israel and turned towards false gods due to his marriage of Jezebel
King Hoshea
Last king of Israel before its destruction, became king through conspiracy and Pekah, his assistant being killed
King Sargon
Ruler of the Akkadian Empire
Prophet from Shiloh during Solomon’s reign, told one of Solomon’s assistants Jeroboam that he will become king of 10 of the twelve tribes using his own (Ahijah) cloak.
Pupil and successor of Elijah, instigated and helped Jehu eliminate the bloodline of Ahab
Prophet during the time of Ahab and Israel turning away from God because of Ahab and Jezzebel, alliance with Sidon
Prophet who tries to escape God’s calling to prophesy against the city of Nineveh, gets eaten then spit out by a whale
Prophesy’s the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel
Married Gomer who he knew would commit adultery to represent Israel relationship with God
Queen Athaliah
Wife of Jeham, King of Judah, when her son Ahaziah died she usurped the throne, she later killed all the members of the royal house of Judah
King Hezekiah
Kept all of Gods commandments and upheld his people to worship God only, even when he knew he would be held captive later in his life
King Josiah
Son of King Amon, he was very godly and tore his cloth when he was read The Law, causing him and everyone to turn back to God to follow his covenant
King Zedekaih
Refused to humble himself to the Lord, he was handed over into captivity, along with Jerusalem being destroyed by Babylon
(Babylonian) King Nebuchadnezzar
Whose conquest of Judah led to the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem
Prophet and priest during many rulings of kings, helped turn Israel back towards God
Last prophet before the destruction of Judah (Judah and Benjamin), worked tiresome to have people repent