EPME Flashcards
allows you, your
spouse, and dependents to register and vote absentee in Federal office
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizen Voting Act.
Use of GV in the transportation of a spouse.
Permissible for the transportation of an employee and spouse together to and from the duty location to an official function in which spouses were invited.
Unauthorized Use of Government Owned Vehicles
Luncheons and office functions, transportation of non-official passengers, Permissive TAD travel, Hitch-Hikers.
An ______, U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator’s
Identification Card, shall be issued when a member is required
to operate a vehicle or vehicle trailer combination that requires
special skills and experience.
Operators shall report any motor vehicle accident/mishap and/ or
damage to vehicles and trailers, and/or loss of license plates, as soon
as possible to ______ ______ _____ and their supervisors.
Motor Vehicle managers
If you are the DRIVER of a government vehicle during an accident,
you MUST file a “motor vehicle accident report” form _____.
If you are a PASSENGER in a government vehicle during an accident
you MUST fill out a “Statement of Witness” form _____.
How many different types of discharge for characterized separations?
How many different types of discharge for uncharacterized separations?
Honorable Discharge
Separation with honor
General Discharge
Separation with honorable conditions
Discharge Under Other Than Honorable Conditions
Separation under conditions other than honorable
Bad Conduct Discharge
Separation under conditions other than honorable
Dishonorable Discharge
Separation with dishonor
Uncharacterized Discharge
Separation for those members with less than 180 days in service
There are __ formal reasons a service member may be discharged
from the military
Member has shown proper military behavior and proficient
performance of duty with due consideration for the member’s
age, length of service, grade, and general aptitude.
Honorable Discharge
Member has shown proper military behavior and proficient
performance of duty with due consideration for the member’s
age, length of service, grade, and general aptitude.
Honorable Discharge
The member has been identified as a user, possessor, or
distributor of illegal drugs or paraphernalia.
General Discharge
The member has tampered with drug urinalysis samples,
supplies, or documentation.
General Discharge
When Commander (CGPC –epm-1) directs issuing a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ discharge based on the individual’s overall military record or the severity of the incident(s) which results in discharge.
General Discharge
Member poses or has created a security risk.
Discharge Other Than Honorable Conditions
When issued as a result of an approved sentence of a general or
special court-martial.
Bad Conduct Discharge
Only as a result of an approved sentence of a general courtmartial.
Dishonorable Discharge
Fewer than 180 days of active service and demonstrated poor
proficiency, conduct, aptitude or unsuitability for further
service, exhibited minor pre-existing medical issues not of a
disabling nature which do not meet the medical/physical
procurement standards.
Uncharacterized Discharge
is used for most recruit
separations, except for disability, prior service members
entering recruit training, or in cases when another type of
discharge may be appropriate.
Uncharacterized Discharge
An other than honorable separation from the Coast Guard could affect
a member’s ability to:
Receive local, state or federal veteran’s benefits
Re-enlist in military service
Acquire a government job
Acquire a security clearance
Acquire employment with companies who receive government
Tattoos on the hand in the form of a ring may not to exceed ___ inch
Permanent eyeliner makeup in the form of cosmetic tattooing is
authorized for female members. The tattoo(s) shall not be brightly
colored, shall be no more then ___ inch wide, and must not extend past
the outer corner of the eye.
In regards to excessive tattooing, members are authorized tattoos with
no limitation on size or percentage of coverage. In the case of
branding no more than one brand, not to exceed ____, may appear
anywhere on the body.
4” X 4”
Must be located a sufficient distance away, approximately 50
feet, so as not to allow smoke to be drawn into the indoor
facility through door openings, windows, and air intake
Designated Tobacco use areas
The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) have established that __ cubic feet per minute
per person of outside fresh air is required. The carbon dioxide (CO2)
level should not exceed _____ parts per million (PPM).
20; 1000
The use of all tobacco products (smoking and smokeless) are also
Bachelor living quarters
Common areas
Defined as any space within a building that is common to
occupants and visitors.
The sale of tobacco products to anyone under the
age of __ years (__ years in Alaska) is prohibited.
18; 19
states “the Government
Travel Credit Card (GTCC) shall be used by all U.S. Government
personnel (military and civilian) to pay for all official travel
The Travel and Transportation Reform Act
Coast Guard military members (active and reserve) and all civilian
employees are required to obtain a GTCC if they anticipate traveling
more than _____ _______ a year.
Five times
Personnel traveling less than five times a
year shall not have a GTCC without written authorization by their __
or ________.
CO; Supervisor
The standard maximum credit limit for Government Travel and
Transportation Charge Cards (GTCCs) is _________.
Coordinators are authorized to increase credit limits to ______
(Approval from cardholders CO is required.)
Individuals who possess a
GTCC and anticipate traveling less than five times a year shall have
their credit limit reduced to _____.
If the duration of the PCS travel will exceed __ days, including leave,
compensatory absence, proceeds time and TAD in conjunction with
the PCS, the card shall not be used.
For both Temporary Assigned Duty (TAD) and Permanent Change of
Station (PCS), card use is optional for ____ and _______ ________
(M&IE) and other miscellaneous reimbursable travel expenses.
meals; incidental expenses
GTCC payments must be made in full, _____ __ _________, by the due date printed on the monthly statement.
Partial payments are not authorized.
Regardless of Reimbursement
GTCC payment information to keep in mind:
Payment due date is __ calendar days from the statement date.
GTCC payment information to keep in mind:
An account is classified as one day past due if the bank has not received payment by the ___ calendar day from the statement date.
GTCC payment information to keep in mind:
An account will be suspended when the account balance is __ calendar days past due.
GTCC payment information to keep in mind
:An account is classified as delinquent when the account balance reaches __ calendar days past due.
GTCC payment information to keep in mind:
An account will be cancelled when the account balance reaches ___ calendar days past due.
GTCC payment information to keep in mind:
The GTCC bank will notify commercial credit rating companies when an account reaches ___ days past due
GTCC payment information to keep in mind:
Accounts that reach ___ days past due will never be eligible for reinstatement.
GTCC billing cycle for the Coast Guard is the ____ of a month until the
___ of the following month.
13th; 12th
provides the right of the accused
to remain silent throughout the process and to not answer questions or
make any statement.
UCMJ, Article 31
Commanding officers have the authority, under UCMJ ______ __, to
impose non-judicial punishment (NJP) at captain’s mast.
Article 15
The right to appeal a punishment is waived after how many days?
If an
appeal has not been acted upon by the Commanding Officer within _
calendar days of receiving it, however, the member may request that
punishments involving restriction or extra duties be deferred until a
decision is made on the appeal.
court-martial consists of a
military judge and at least five members.
General Courts-Martial
court-martial consists of a military
judge and at least three members.
Special Courts-Martial
courts-martial consists of one
member, ranked LCDR or above. The member does not need to be a
judge. The accused member has the right to refuse trial by _______
Summary Courts-Martial
Romantic relationships between members are unacceptable when:
Members have a supervisor and subordinate relationship
(including periodic supervision of duty section or watch standing
Members are assigned to the same small shore unit (less than 60
Members are assigned to the same cutter
The relationship is between chief petty officers (E-7/8/9) and
junior enlisted personnel (E-4 and below)
The relationship is manifested in the work environment in a way
which disrupts the effective conduct of daily business
What is the SAPP rule?
Security, Accuracy, Policy, Propriety
is a federal
law that ensures the public has access to government records, and
spells out steps and procedures for providing information.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
of sexual assaults to
activate both victims’ services and accountability actions is the
preferred method but, it is recognized that unrestricted
(complete reporting) represents a barrier for some victims in
accessing needed services.
An unrestricted (complete reporting)
reporting which does not activate
the official investigatory process until/unless the victim
chooses to request this option.
A restricted (confidential)
Sexual assault reporting procedures require what for all incidents of reported sexual assault
EAPC notification
Commands are also prohibited from taking any formal or informal
investigative action for what kind of sexual assualt reporting.
Unrestricted reporting
Service members who are sexually assaulted and desire
restricted reporting should report the assault only to:
Employee Assistance Program Coordinator
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Family Advocacy Specialist form the Health, Safety and Work-Life field office. Victim Advocate, Health Care Provider, Chaplain.
Members assigned to an afloat unit while underway or in a port other
than their homeport at the time the assault may report to whom?
A medical Officer, Independant Duty Health Services Technician, or Victim Advocate
Two types of Tags
Danger Tag
Caution Tag
Two types of Labels
Out of Commission Label
Out of Calibration Label
Who maintains the one tag-out log at most small cutters and station small boats.
Engineering Department
Who maintains the two Tag-out logs on Large cutters and boat?
Electricians Mates for Engineering Department
Electronic Technicians for the Operations Department.
prohibits operation of equipment
that could jeopardize safety of personnel or endanger equipment,
systems, or components.
Danger Tag- red in color
It is used to provide temporary
special instructions or indicate that unusual caution must be exercised
to operate a particular piece of equipment
Caution Tag- yellow
It is used to identify instruments
that will not correctly indicate parameters, because the instruments are
either defective or isolated from the system.
Out of Commision label- red
It is used to identify
instruments that are out of calibration and will not accurately indicate
Out of Calibration- orange
Hearing protective devices shall be worn by all personnel when they
enter or work in an area where the operations generate noise levels of:
Equal to or greater than 85 dB(A) continuous sound pressure
140 dB peak sound pressure level or greater
A combination of insert type and over ear type hearing protective
devices (double hearing protection) shall be worn in all areas where
noise levels exceed ___ dB(A).
Information requiring the highest degree of
protection The unauthorized disclosure of information could reasonably be expected to cause
exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
Top Secret
Information requiring a substantial degree of
protection. The unauthorized disclosure of information
could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the
national security.
Information requiring protection. The
unauthorized disclosure of information could
reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security.
classification will be marked on the bottom and top of the
Document is only one page
classification marking will appear on the top and bottom of the
outside cover, the title page, and the outside back cover.
Documents containing more than one page
Spaces which contain classified material shall be designated as
a _____
Restricted Area
A continuous,
systematic process of identifying and controlling risks in all
activities according to a set of pre-conceived parameters by
applying appropriate management policies and procedures.
Operational Risk Management
The three main purposes of ICS include:
Ensure the safety of responders and others
Achievement of tactical objectives
Efficient use of resources
Four categories the Coast Guard expects of its leaders
Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Performance and Change, Leading the Coast Guard
How many Coast Guard Leadership Competencies are there
A fitness plans should consist of all five components listed:
Cardio-Respiratory Endurance (CRE) Muscular strength (MS) Muscular endurance (ME) Flexibility (F) Body composition (BC)
What does suicide A.C.E stand for?
Ask. Care. Escort.
Seven Leading Competencies
- Accountability & Responsibility
- Followership
- Self-Awareness & Learning
- Aligning Values
- Health & Well-Being
- Personal Conduct
- Technical Proficiency
Leading others Competencies
- Effective Communications
- Influencing Others
- Respect for Others & Diversity Management
- Team Building
- Taking Care of People
- Mentoring
Approaches to Influencing Others
Directing, Coaching, Delegating
Levels of Diversity Management
Personal, Interpersonal, Organizational
Decision Making Methods
Leader made, Leader-made with input, Team made
Four stages of team development identified by Dr. Bruce Tuckman
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
Elements of Mentoring Relationship
Mutual respect, trust, caring, mutual support for growth
Types of Mentoring
Formal, Informal, Situational, Supervisory