Epithelial Cells 1 Flashcards
Nucleolus Function
Site of rRNA synthesis
Nuclear Envelope Function
Is continuous with the ER and is involved in packaging and processing proteins
What is the nuclear lamina?
Specialized type of cytoskeleton formed on the internal surface of the nuclear envelope. Involved in assembly and disassembly of envelope during cell division.
SER function
It is more tubular and lacks ribosomes. Main function is lipid metabolism (steroid synthesis). It is also a site of storage of Ca2+
Golgi Function
Modifying, sorting, and packaging macromolecules. Made of cis, medial and trans with trans facing periphery.
Peroxisomes function
Contain enzymes for lipid and oxygen metabolism e.g. catalases and peroxidases (toxic).
Cytokseleton Filament Types
- microtubules
- intermediate filaments
- microfilaments
Microtubules Info and Function
- Polymers of alpha and beta tubulin
- Approximately 20nm diameter
- Involved in cell shape and acts as tracks for the movement of organelles and cytoplasmic components within the cell.
Motor proteins are needed for this movement. - major component of cilia and flagella.
- form part of spindle fibres
Intermediate filament info
- `10-15nm diameter
- give mechanical strength to cells
- desmosomes are connected via IFs
- Different cell types have different IFs.
Nuclear Lamins are intermediate filaments which form a network on the internal surface of the nuclear envelope.
Microfilament Info and Fucntion
- polymers of actin associate with adhesion belts in epithelia and with other plasma membrane proteins.
- involved in cell shape and movement
- usually bundles near the cell periphery
- has a helical structure
Main Cell Types
- epithelial cells
- mesenchymal cells
- haematopoietic cells
- neural cells (neurones of clial cells)
Tissue definition
a group of cells whose type, organisation and architecture and integral to its function
- Tissue = Cells + Extracellular Matric + FLuid
Extracellular Matrix Definition
The insoluble material that yo will find extracellularly (collagen, elastn, proteoglycan)
Junction Types
- Tight Juncton
- Adhesion Belts
- Desmosome
- Gap Junction
Tight Junction Info
- zonula occludens (belt)
- more elaborate the network, the tighter the seal
- these junctions seal the paracellular pathways as well as segregate the membranes of different cells to stop the proteins which diffuse through.
- Has ‘kiss’ points
Adhesion Belt Info
- zonula adherens
- formed just basal to the apical tight junction
- Cadherins bind to similar molecules on the adjacent cell and cluster to form these junctions. Actin cytoskeleton is closely associated.
- other junctions form after this one has. Therefore it is the master junction
Desmosome Info
- Macular Adherens
- Cadherins bind membranes from the cytoplasmic plaque while keratin filaments anchor this
- doted around the lateral membranes of cells.
- very abundant in the epidermis
Gap Junction
- macula communicans
- made of cluster of pores which are formed by membrane proteins.
- allow the passage of ions and small molecules between the cells. .- can be opened and close by electrical activity and calcium concentration `