Epithelia Flashcards
2 main types of epithelia
Simple & Stratified
Types of simple epithelia
Types of stratified epithelia
Transitional epithelium
Characteristics of simple squamous epithelia
• Best suited for passive transport of substances
• Provide little protection
⟶ Alveoli, blood vessels (endothelium), body cavities (mesothelium)
Characteristics of simple cuboidal epithelia
Associated with secretion and/or absorption
⟶ thyroid, kidney, lung, ovary, ducts and secretory portions of many glands
Characteristics of simple columnar epithelia
Associated with secretion and/or absorption
⟶ intestine, female reproductive tract, many exocrine glands
Characteristics of simple pseudo stratified epithelia
Secretion and movement of particles along tubular organs
⟶ a.k.a “respiratory epithelium”: trachea, bronchi,
Characteristics of stratified squamous epithelia
Covers most external and some internal body parts
Protects underlying tissues & prevents their desiccation
Keratinisation can occur but this depends on the species & organ
Characteristics of stratified cuboidal epithelia
Not abundant
Found covering areas of transition between simple and stratified epithelia
Characteristics of stratified columnar epithelia
Not abundant
Found covering areas of transition between simple and stratified epithelia
Characteristics of transitional epithelia
Only in the urogenital system; also called the ‘urothelium’
Cell shape depends on internal pressure i.e. stretchy