Epithelia Flashcards
What are the 3 types of intercellular junctions?
Zonula Occludens (tight junction) - Seal intercellular spaces, form a continuous circumferential band around the apex of cells
Adherens junction - Adhering junctions (Zonula adherens) and desmosomes: mechanically strong attachments between cells, link cytoskeletons via intercellular cadherin proteins, catenins link cadherins to intracellular actin filaments
Gap junction - Gap, nexus or communicating junctions
What is a goblet cell?
goblet cellis aglandularsimplecolumnar epithelial cell, main role of goblet cells is to secretemucusin order to protect themucous membraneswhere they are found
list 4 examples of simple exocrine gland structures
- simple tubular e.g. colon
- simple coiled tubular e.g. sweat glands
- simple branched tubular e.g. stomach
- simple branched acinar e.g. salivary gland
What are surface specialisations of epithelial cells?