Epigenetics & Transcriptional gene regulation in eukaryotes Flashcards
What is epigenetics?
Epi=”on top of”-genetics.
Theoretically: The study of regulation of gene expression by modifications that make DNA accessible/inaccessible, rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.
Practically: epigenetics describes phenomena in which genetically identical cells or organisms express their genomes differently, causing phenotypic differences.
Basically, it’s genetic information not encoded by the DNA (but within the DNA structure). Not all epigenetic changes are inherited, but many are.
There are two main kinds of epigenetic modifications in eukaryotes, which are these?
Histone modifications (including histone variants) and DNA methylation.
On what level of the central dogma (DNA-RNA-Protein) does epigenetic modifications act?
Epigenetic modifications act on the DNA level, to regulate transcription (which is a better term than gene expression as everything in the genome is not genes).
Explain how DNA is packed in chromosomes in short.
DNA is wrapped around histones, which when bound is called nucleosomes. Nucleosomes are the basic structural subunit of chromatin, consisting of about 200 bp of DNA and an octamer of histone proteins. The nucleosomes are tightly packed in chromatin, which in turn is tightly packed in chromosomes.
There are two levels of packing/organisation of the chromatin in chromosomes. What are they called and how do they differ?
- Heterochromatin is densely packed, less available to transcription machinery –> silenced. Most often found on either side of the centromere and in the telomeres. In the nucleus, heterochromatin occupy the outer domain.
- Euchromatin is less densely packed, more available for the transcription machinery –> transcribed. Most often found in the arms of the chromosome. In the nucleus, euchromatin occupy the central domain.
How are epigenetic modifications inherited?
Epigenetic modifications are inherited during replication. If the template strand is methylated or have proteins bound to it during replication, both daughter strands will have the same modification as the template.
Although the modification dilute over time, there are some mechanisms to keep repression through cell divisions, like Pc-G proteins that remain bound even if silencing modifications disappear.
Explain what a nucleation event is and what consequences it can lead to.
A nucleation event is when heterochromatin starts to extend, out over regions that weren’t silenced before, until it gets to an insulation sequence/element which causes the heterochromatin to stop spreading. We are not entirely sure what causes these events, just that they happen.
The consequences of a nucleation event is that genes that should be active are instead included in the heterochromatin and gets silenced.
What is important to keep in mind about chromatin structure?
That it’s not two-dimensional but 3D, and that the 3D topography of chromatin has different functions. Nubs of looped chromatin usually silence transcription but on rare occasions they can be activating. The 3D topological structures can be changed systematically or random.
How does histone modifications work and what five modifications can be done?
Histones are octamers with several “tails” that stick out from the DNA coiled around it and are accessible to modifications (that can both repress/activate transcription).
The histone tails can be modified by:
– Acetylation (Ac)
– Ubiquitination (Ub)
– Methylation (Me)
– Phosphorylation (P)
– Sumoylation (SUMO (Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier))
What is meant by “the histone code”? How are modifications named?
The amino acid sequence of the tails.
Modifications are named with the tail name first, e.g. H3, and then the amino acid + it’s number in the order, e.g. K4 (lysine, which is commonly modified, as the fourth AA), and last the modification, eg me for mono-methylation. (me2/me3 for di- or tri-methylated). In this example the modification would be named “H3K4me”.
In the histone modification machinery, there are three groups of participating proteins. Which and what do they do?
The histone modification machinery consists of:
- Writers: Proteins that establish the posttranslational mark/modification on histones.
- Erasers: Proteins that remove the posttranslational
modification from the histone. - Readers: Proteins that recognize the DNA and histone residues with or without posttranslational
modification and recruit the writer proteins to
establish the mark.
For acetylation vs methylation (histone mods) which proteins are the writers and erasers?
The writers that perform acetylation of histones are histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and the erasers are Histone deacetylases (HDACs).
In methylation the writers are called Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and the erasers are called Histone demethylases (HDMCs).
What can histone methylation lead to? Give two examples.
Histone methylation can both activate and repress transcription, depending on what residue is modified. For example:
- H3K4me (methylation of the fourth lysine on the H3 tail) is associated with actively transcribed genes and mRNA.
- H3K9me (methylation of the ninth lysine on the H3 tail) is associated with constitutive heterochromatin (basically permanent silencing) at transposons in the genome, which if active would be highly mutagenic.
What does histone acetylation usually lead to?
Histones are positively charged and therefore bind strongly to DNA. Acetylation of histones reduces the positive charge, which weakens their interaction with DNA and cause them to interact lessor disassociate from DNA, resulting in a more open configuration of DNA –> active transcription.
What protein plays a key role in the formation of mammalian heterochromatin?
HP1 is the key protein in forming mammalian heterochromatin. It acts by binding to methylated
histone H3 (methylation creates a binding site for HP1) and leads to the formation of heterochromatin (minimal transcription) through recruiting more methyltransferase when having bound, positive feedback loops that causes the spread of heterochromatin.
The histone modifications H3K27me1/3 have different functions in mammals. How do their function differ?
H3K27me3 represses genes in euchromatin in the arms of chromosomes while H3K27me1 maintains heterochromatin around the centromeric/pericentromeric regions of chromosomes.
Where does histone modifications that activate/repress genes generally take place in mammals?
- Modifications that silence genes are often acting on the promoters, and this results in the formation of facultative heterochromatin (temporary silencing). Modifications that silence transposons can be all over the gene body.
- Modifications that activate genes can happen in many places of the gene, like in the promoter, transcription start site or ORF.
Where does histone modifications that activate/repress genes generally take place in plants?
In plants, modifications that activate transcription are most common at the transcription start site (TSS), while mods that repress are more common downstream of the TSS. Modifications that silence transposons can be all over the gene body, as in mammals.
Histone variants can also influence transcription, how? Give an example.
Since histones are octamers, subunits can be switched out to change transcription.
- This could be to either maintain heterochromatin (silencing), which is applied in centromere by using the CENH3 variant there.
- Or it could be to activate genes, for example by switching to the H2A.Z variant.
Note: This is a very energy consuming process done by chromatin remodelers. They can also add/remove histones to make the chromatin more compact/loose. All in all, histone modifications is a very dynamic process.
Explain what DNA methylation is in short.
DNA methylation = Cytosine methylation is a process carried out by DNA methyltransferases, in which cytosine bases are methylated –> 5-methylcytosine. DNA methylation generally silences transcription while demethylation enables transcription.
In mammals, the cytosines that are methylated are almost always directly followed by a G, so DNA methylation is sometimes called CpG methylation. In plants, the cytosine can be followed by any nucleotide.
Where in the chromosome is DNA methylation the densest?
DNA methylation the densest around the centromere! It’s also the densest where its the most repetitive elements (transposons and other repeats), which is around the centromere.
What are CpG islands?
CpG islands are sequences of C followed by G in a 5’-3’ direction = 5’C-p-G-p-C-p-G-C…3’, which are commonly found in the promotors of mammalian genes (~60%) and are involved in transcription regulation.
- CpG islands function by destabilizing nucleosomes and attracting proteins that create a transcriptionally permissive chromatin state.
- The CpG islands are normally unmethylated but can be methylated de novo to repress transcription (e.g. by Dnmt3 which has a domain that interact with unmethylated H3K4 tails to find unmethylated sites to methylate)
- For something to be called a CpG island, it needs to be longer than 200bp and have a GC content over 50%.
- CpG nucleotides are rarely found in random places in the genome because they can be subject to methylation which suppresses their transcription. They are also susceptible to spontaneous Cme–>T mutations.
What happens to methylated sites during replication?
Replication converts a fully methylated site to a hemi methylated site on each resulting DNA strand. The hemi methylation is then recognized by maintenance methyltransferase (Dnmt1) that recognizes only hemi methylated sites as substrates, and carries out methylation which result in methylation matching the original DNA on both new strands.
DNA methylation is reversible, how does this process work and what consequences does this have over time?
Note: DNA methylation is reversible by DNA demethylases, in a three step process.
1) Oxidation of C methylation into hydroxymethylcytosine
2) Direct removal of methylated cytosines
3. DNA pol and DNA ligase insert a unmethylated C.
This leads to dilution of DNA methylation with each cycle of DNA replication.
Note: Cytosine methylation is highly dynamic!
What epigenetic marks are associated with an open vs closed configuration of chromatin?
Open: DNA demethylation and histone acetylation.
Closed: DNA methylation and histone deacetylation.
Histone demethylation and histone variants can lead to either.
Give one example of a method used to study DNA methylation.
BS-seq (Bisulfite + sequencing). When bisulfite is introduced to cells, it converts cytosine to Uracil, BUT: methylated cytosines are protected. So the idea is that you sequence the bisulfite treated sample and compare it to the reference genome, and where there are cytosines there is methylation!
Give one example of a method used to study chromatin modifications.
ChIP-seq (Chromatin Immunoprecipitation +
sequencing). In which you break up extracted chromatin with sonification - which keeps histones still bound, Then you use antibodies that bind to proteins containing specific mods and sequence to see where the modifications were located in the genome.
This can also be used to study TFs bound to specific parts of DNA.
Name three processes that are regulated through epigenetics.
- Transposon silencing:
- Genomic imprinting
- X chromosome inactivation: barr body formation
- Silencing of testis specific genes
- Cell type specific expression
- Transgenerational reprogramming
- Developmental switches and stress responses: for example genes for reproduction being silenced when plants sensing spring coming. Or rats being stressed as mothers leads to kids being stressed moms.
What is an “epiallele”?
- Epialleles are identical in DNA sequence but differ in epigenetic modifications and chromatin structure.
- Epialleles are metastable and their expression can be influenced by environmental conditions.
- Epialleles can be heritable (transgenerational inheritance)
All the cells in a body contains the same exact genetic material, still, there are many different kind of cells in the body. How?
Cell differentiation depends on different combinations of gene expression, which is dependent on regulation of transcription. With different combinations of genes needed to make a specific cell type, it’s possible to have many different cell types with a limited number of genes!
Note: There are many ways to regulate transcription, on chromatin level, through DNA methylation, through small RNAs and with different combinations of transcription factors.
How many genes does the human genome contain and how much of the human genome consist of genes coding for proteins?
The human genome contains about 20 000 gene sequences coding for proteins, which makes up only 1-2% of the human genome.
How does the proportion of coding genome relate to organismal complexity?
The proportion of coding genome decreases with higher complexity, meaning the most complex organisms have a very small part coding genome, but a very big part of the genome being regulatory like promoters, enhancers, introns, non-protein coding RNA genes or repeat sequences.
What is the biggest difference in transcriptional regulatory structure in yeast vs animals?
That yeast only have close upstream regulation, while animals have regulation in both directions and over long distances.
Explain the structure of a typical eukaryotic gene and its regulatory elements in short.
A promoter with an upstream TATA-box and downstream ORF for a RNA transcript. Upstream of the promoter and downstream of the gene (in the spacers=non coding DNA between genes) there are one or more regulatory sequences containing binding sites for TFs and regulatory proteins.
How does RNA polymerase locate the start site for transcription in short?
Transcription factors (TFs) bind to the TATA-box (in a TATA-box containing promoters) or a downstream promoter element (DPE) in TATA less promoters and this complex is recognized by RNA polymerase.
In detail, how is transcription initiated in a typical eukaryotic gene?
- Assembly of the preinitiation complex:
- TFIID (consisting of TBP + TBP-associated factors
(TAFs) that recognize core promoter elements) recognizes and binds to the TATA-box and recruits TFIIB.
- TFIIB + TFIID binding produces a kink in the DNA which results in bending of the DNA.
- The complex recruits TFIIE and TFIIH, which in turn recruits RNA pol II
- the enzymatic activity of TFIIH opens up the DNA and “push” it into RNA pol II. - Phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNAP.
- The CTD consists of 7 amino acids in a repeated pattern, and the 5-serine are phosphorylated by kinase activity from TFIIH.
- Phosphorylation of the 5-serines of the CTD causes promoter clearance and the RNA pol starts to move downstream.
- Promoter clearance leads to the RNA pol getting to a place where it pauses, and the machinery that puts a 5’cap on the mRNA transcript is recruited.
- At the pause sequence (~+40-60bp) the kinase P-TEFb (among others) are recruited, which phosphorylates the 2-serine residues.
- When many of the 2-serine residues have been phosphorylated, elongation is activated.
How is transcription regulated?
Transcription is regulated by regulatory sequences/elements (enhancers/silencers) which are the binding sites for TFs (activators/repressors).
How are transcription factors structured?
TFs have a modular structure, they have a:
- DNA binding domain (leucine zippers, zinc fingers etc.): that bind to specific DNA sequences
- Activating region: which have some sort of function.
Note: This means that we can synthesize TFs with specific domains that bind and functions where we want. Very useful when we want to change gene expression.
Explain how enhancers regulate gene expression in two ways.
Activator TFs bind to the enhancer, and the activating domain that make protein-protein interactions with components that facilitate transcription.
- Such as mediators that influence recruitment/positioning of RNA pol and other TFs, such as stimulating P-TEFb to enable elongation or binding co-activators that make DNA more accessible to RNA pol.
- Or chromatin remodelers which make the DNA more accessible, either by recruiting histone acyltransferase or chromatin remodeling complexes.
The regulatory sequences/elements that regulate transcription can be either enhancers or silencers. What determines this?
If more activators bind than repressors, the element will be an enhancer. If more repressors bind than activators, the element will be a silencer.
So an element that acts as an enhancer in one cell type can act as a silencer in another cell type, depending on which TFs are present.
Give two examples of how repressors influence transcription.
- Repressors can recruit chromatin remodelers that make the chromatin more compact and thereby suppress transcription.
- Repressors can bind to activators and thereby hinder them from activating expression.
- Competition: repressors can cover the binding sites of activators
- Direct repression: interact with mediators that physically hinders RNA pol to bind or move further.
How can transcription factors influence the two rate limiting steps in transcription, recruitment and release from pausing?
- Recruitment: activators/repressors can make protein-protein interactions with mediators that interact with TFs, that affect the effectiveness of RNA pol recruitment
- Promoter release: Transcription factors can influence phosphorylation which can stimulate/repress the elongation step.
What is the fundamental difference between transcription/expression in prokaryotes vs eukaryotes and what consequences does this have on transcription?
In eukaryotes, the ground state of DNA is to be repressed in chromatin, which means that activators are needed to turn on genes.
The ground state of DNA in prokaryotes is permissive, which means they rely heavily on transcription repression.
How can we investigate if something is an enhancer?
You can amplify the sequence of the enhancer, insert it into a reporter gene, put it in a mouse egg, and then see where in the embryo expression happens.
Changes in enhancer sequences are important in evolution, how?
Mutations in enhancers can lead to new or lost binding sites for TFs, which can result in feature gains or feature losses that can make the organism better adapted to the environment!
What are insulators and what is their main function?
Insulators are DNA sequences that insulating proteins bind to which block enhancer-promoter interactions. This provides an additional layer of specificity for the enhancers as they can work in either direction.
What is “combinatorial gene control”?
Combinatorial gene control is additional layer of gene control. Genes often have several regulatory elements, which provides the opportunity to have different gene expression based on what combinations of TFs are present. Example: Gene A is expressed if TFs 1,2 and 3 bind to their respective enhancers, and gene B is expressed if TFs 2,3 and 4 bind to their respective enhancers. This provides specificity with a limited amount of TFs! Remember, repressors can influence this too.
There are also co-activation, and co-regulators that can influence transcription. Multiple transcription factors can use one co-regulator, but a transcription factor does not always use the same co-regulator.
Give one example of an application of transcription regulation.
The discovery that we can create induced pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells with different TFs! From there we can induce differentiation into specific cell types with different combinations of TFs too.