Epidemiology study designs and measures Flashcards
What are the defining features of a cross sectional study?
A survey of a random sample of people (aimed to be representative of the population) at a given point of time. This is usually to find associations and risk factors for disease by a questionnaire on behaviour. Cannot be used to find causation.
What is an example of a cross sectional study?
How many people in area X have heart disease? Taking a sample of the population can find prevalence of disease at that time and use questionnaires to find associations (Do you smoke?/How much red meat do you eat per day?/Do you exercise?/What are your feelings towards your local health service?)
What are the advantages of a cross sectional study?
- Many variables compared at ones
- Quick and cheap
- Useful when routine data isn’t available
What are the disadvantages of a cross sectional study?
- Not useful for a disease with a short duration (many will be missed in a snapshot study/will get different results every time you check)
- Cannot find causality
- Easy to introduce sampling and collection bias
- Can’t find incidence
- Questionnaires can often require a pilot study
What are the defining features of a cohort study?
Used to find the effect of an exposure. Take 2 groups of people with a disease and varying degrees of exposure to something you suspect is affecting the disease and follow over time. Longitudinal study where comparisons are taken continuously. Association between risk and outcome usually measured as risk ratio/odds ratio.
Name a type of descriptive observational epidemiological studies
Name 2 types of analytical observational epidemiological studies
Case-control, Cohort
Name 3 types of experimental epidemiological studies
Experiments, randomised control trials, intervention studies
What are cohort studies used for?
To test if an exposure variable is causally related to health
To measure incidence and incidence rate over a period of time
What are the 2 types of cohort study?
Prospective (2 groups, 1 exposed, follow over time to see effect)
Retrospective (2 groups, 1 has been exposed, look back in records to see effect)
What are the advantages of a cohort study?
- Allows outcomes to be explored over time
- Possible to study a harmful risk factor/exposure (it would be unethical to expose a group to this risk factor in an experimental setting)
- Useful for rare exposures (because you choose based on exposure)
- Can look at multiple exposures
- Can measure incidence and prevalence
- Samples aren’t biased by knowing the outcome status - samples are defined before the disease is onset
- High validity, true incidence known
What are the disadvantages of a cohort study?
- Can be very time consuming and expensive
- Behaviours can change, control groups can become exposed or exposed group stop being exposed
- Change in measurements/classifications etc can occur over the time the study takes (can cause misclassification
- Selection bias, consent bias
- Loss to follow up, people might bail (might introduce bias, by which people bail)
- Not suitable for rare diseases, might never come up
What is the Framingham Heart Study and why was Framingham a good place for it?
Longest running cohort study of cardiovascular disease in USA.
- Adequate size
- Stable employment and population
- Local authority kept a list of residents
- One health facility so easy to follow up
- Variety of socioeconomic and ethnic subgroups
- Previous successful study of TB
What analyses are associated with cohort studies?
- Incidence
- Incidence rates
- Risk ratios
- Odds ratios
Define incidence
Number of instances of illness commencing during a specified period
What is incidence rate?
Number of people who develop a disease in 1 year/Average number of people in one population
What is cumulative incidence?
Number of people who develop disease in period/Number of people at risk of getting the disease at start of period
You want to find out if there are patterns, relationships & associations. Which study?
You want to know how widespread the event occurrence (prevalence) is. Which study?
You want to know how quickly an event is occurring (incidence). Which study?
Cohort study
Which factors are causing the event?
Case control study