Epidemiology I Flashcards
5-year survival
the percentage of patients still living 5 years after diagnosis (or treatment)
-a proportion but often referred to as a rate
-used in clinical medicine when evaluating
-requires lengthy follow-up and cannot be used for
treatments less than 5 years old
acquired immunity
immunity due to deliberate actions to prevent disease
active immunity
immunity due to an individual’s active production of their own antibodies
an approach for dealing with the problems of rates that are not comparable because the age distributions of the populations are different and the event being measured is associated with age
analytical epidemiology
uses comparison groups to quantify the associations between determinants and health problems to test hypotheses about causal relationships
Belmont report
provides guidance and recommendations for the protection of human research subjects by identifying 3 basic ethical principals (1979)
the quintissential reference in the US for the ethical treatment of research subject
created by the national commission for the protection o f human subjects in biomedical and behavioral research
case definition
a blueprint to determine who is truly
case report
individual level observations to describe a particular clinical phenomenon in a single patient
- main objective is to provide a comprehensive and detailed description of the case under investigation
- key hypothesis generating tools
- very limited external validity due to biased selection of cases
case-based surveillance
used to monitor the occurrence of disease by collecting information on individuals diagnosed as having the disease according to an official definition
the proportion of all people who have a disease who die from that disease
-includes no explicit statement of time
-generally used for acute diseases in which death
occurs relatively soon after diagnosis
chain of infection and 6 links
six links representing the steps of transmission of infection
- all must be present and occur in order for an infection to occur
- each represents an opportunity for disease prevention and control
- infectious agent
- reservoir
- portal of exit
- mode of transmission
- portal of entry
- susceptible host
characteristic epi curve of a continuous outbreak
curve is wider with a gradual increase in the number of cases, followed by a plateau and then a gradual decrease in the number of cases
characteristic epi curve of a point-source outbreak
shows a great spike in the number of cases that gradually declines -becomes normally distributed when graphed against log(time)
characteristic epi curve of a propagated epidemic
the curve appears sporadic with several rapid increases and decreases that does not occur in any apparent pattern
classes of diseases deemed of considerable public health importance by the CDC and their mandatory report schedules
class A: of major public health importance and must be reported immediately
class b: of public health importance due to potential for epidemic spread and must be reported by the end of the next business day
class C: must be reported by the end of the next business day only when there is a suspected outbreak or unusual incident
a group of cases in a specific time and place that may or may not be greater than the expected rate of cases
cohort effect
trends in incidence or prevalence for persons who were born in a certain year as they are moving through time together
-examined by moving diagonally down and right
along a life table
the entry and development of an infectious agent that does NOT cause symptoms of disease
communicable period of disease
the duration of time when the level of pathogen is above critical mass and the disease is transmissible
conditions needed for herd immunity to be achieved
- the infectious agent must be restricted to a single host species
- transmission must be direct from one member of the host species to another
- infections must induce solid immunity
- there must be a random mixing of the population
-outbreaks often occur among small communities
of susceptible individuals
considerations for planning and implementing screening programs
- can the disease be detected early?
- what is the sensitivity and specificity of the test?
- what is the predictive value of the test?
- how serious is the problem of false-positive and false-negative results?
- what is the cost of early detection in terms of funds, resources and emotional impact
- are patients harmed by screening?
- Do patients benefit from the early detection of disease?
count as a type of measure
the number of cases of a disease or the number of health related events that occur
critical mass of a pathogen
level of pathogen where it becomes possible for the pathogen to be transmitted
-once reached, the host is considered infected
cut-point of a screening test
definitions that will differentiate between results that will be considered positive or indicative of the presence of disease and those that will be considered negative or indicative of the absence of the disease
-must be set if the test does not produce
dichotomous results
-should be based on biologic information
-should consider the consequences of false
positives and false negatives
-often based on the distribution of results
-there is a tradeoff between sensitivity and
declaration of Helsinki
the principal foundational document on the ethical principles that govern research involving human subjects which has influenced the development of formal regulations around the world (1979)
descriptive Epidemiology
studies the frequency and patterns of health problems in specific populations by person, place and time
1. who is at most risk for a disease?
2. what constitutes a health-related state or event that has become problematic?
where is a health problem most common?
when is a health problem most commong?
a definitive decision regarding the disease status of an individual
-typically occurs during the stage of clinical disease
direct age-adjustment
a standard population is used in order to eliminate the effect of any differences in age between two or more populations being compared
-the standard population used is arbitrary
-rates are only comparable when adjusted to the
same standard population
direct transmission
2 types
results from the direct and immediate transfer of a pathogen from a host/reservoir to a susceptible host
person-to-person: by means of direct human contact
perinatal: from mother to baby in utero, during deliver or post-partum
disability-adjused live year (DALY)
the number of years of life lost due to premature death and years lived with a disability of specified severity and duration
-1 DALY represents 1 lost year of healthy life
disease carrier
an individual who harbors an infectious agent but is not infected and shows no evidence of clinical illness
ecologic studies
a study of group characteristics (average values) of a population taking no account of variability between individuals
ecological fallacy
when group characteristics are ascribed to members of a group which they do not possess as individuals
eliminated disease
there is no endogenous (long chains of human-to human) transmission within a geographic area
the ongoing, constant presence of a disease in a community, within a geographic area or among a group of individuals
Environmental factors that affect infection
climate ecology land use nutrition sanitation vector control access to care
endemic within an animal population
Epi curve of a propagated outbreak is dependent on:
- characteristics of the agent and host population
- Pathogenicity
- susceptibility
- means of transmission
- contact rate
- population density
- Interventions (if there are any)
occurrence of cases of an illness, specific health-related behavior, or other health event that is clearly in excess of normal expectancy in a community or region
epidemic (epi) curve
frequency distribution of the number of cases that develop over a period of time
-represents the distribution of incubation periods