Epidemiology and statistics Flashcards
When is a Z score considered to be low?
- Z score is the number of standard deviations above or below the mean
- 95% of values are within 2 standard deviations of the mean
- Z score
What is sensitivity?
The number of patients with a positive test who have a disease divided by all patients who have the disease.
What is specificity?
What is positive predictive value?
likelihood that a patient with a positive test has the disease.
What is negative predictive value?
Describe the various observational and experimental study designs.
epidemiology notes
What is type 1 versus type 2 error?
Type 1 error = false positive–>reject the null hypothesis, when the null is actually true. Usually 0.05 is set as the threshold for type 1 error
Type 2 error = false negative–>accept the null, when it isn’t true.
What is power? What factors affect power?
- Power is the probability of not commiting a type 2 error
- Factors: sample size, effect size, alpha level
- Lower power is lower sample size, smaller effect size (which depends on difference between means and standard deviation)
- Bigger difference between means and bigger standard deviation will each lead to higher power
- I think that power is used for sample size calculation
What are the advantages and disadvantages of case control study?
Premise: start off with the disease/outcome (case) and controls and looks backwards at exposure status
Advantage: good for rare diseases, inexpensive, can control for multiple confounders
Disadvantage: recall bias, poor selection of controls can introduce bias, cannot calculate relative risk