Epidemiology Flashcards
The study of the distribution, determinants of health problems or disease.
Uses of Epidemiology
- for surveillance of incidence, frequency and distribution of disease.
- to study the progression of disease
To study the progression of disease:
- stuying risk factors
- for planning, and implementing an intervention to prevent or reduce risk or illness
Some leading cause of death worldwide
- Heart disease
- Neoplasms
- Cerebrovascular Disease
- Chronic Pulmonary Disease
- Accidents/Injuries
- Diabetis Mellitus
- Influenza and pneumonia
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Nephritis
- Septicemia
The number of people whom something happened (i.e. They got sick, died, etc.)
Total observed population or population at risk for the event
Disease or condition that affects a greater than expected number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time.
Normal occurence of disease in a population
- Geographically widespread
- An epidemic that occurs in more than one continent
A graphic demonstration of the relationship between the agent, hosts, environment, and time.
Epidemiologic Triangle
- Infectious (microbes-bacteria, viruses)
- noninfectious (smoking, high bp, exposure to chemical or radiation)
- an epidemiologist determines the primary agent, mode of transmission, geographic patterns.
-Organisms (humans, animals) that may harbor a disease.
Factors that may affect the susceptibility of hosts:
- age
- gender
- race/ethnicity
- occupation
- immune status
- behavior
Favorable conditions external to the host that allow the disease to be transmitted
Examples of environment in epidemiologic triangle:
- Population density
- geography
- season of the year
- genetic effects/family history
Duration of the illness or sickness till death or recovery occurs
Time between infection and appearance of symptoms occur
Incubation Period
Time between exposure and appearance of symptoms in chronic diseases
Latency Period
Mission of Epidemilogy
Break the triangle to prevent disease completely or control the spread of disease
- understand what causes the disease
- determine the groups that are likely to get the disease
- determine the geographical factors that are conductive to the spread pf disease
- address not just disease but mortality, hospitalization, disability, quality of life and health status
Understanding the disease by studying its pattern from the perspective of person, place and time.
Descriptive Epidemiology
The outcome
Dependent variable
Risk factors/ exposures
Independent variable
The study population and examples
- age, gender, ethnicity, genetic predisposition
- concurrent diease, diet, exercise, smoking
- SES, education, occupation
The geographical location and examples
- school, worksite
- presence or agents or vectors
- climate, geology
- population density and economic development
- nutritional and medical practices
Notion of time and examples
- seosonal patterns, temporal trends over time
- calendar time, time since an event
- physiologic cycles and age (time since birth)
Total no. of cases
Number of new cases
Number of deaths
Types of Prevalence
- point prevalence
- period prevalence
- prevalence proportion
No. of cases at a single point in time (e.g. November 21)
Point prevalence
Point prevalence formula
No. of cases (point in time)
P= ————————————
Total observed population
x 100,000