Epic Sanskrit Further 4 Flashcards
ध्वज- (m.)
flag, banner
न- ग- (m.)
lit. non-going, mountain
√नद् (I नदति)
sound, thunder, roar
नाद- (m.)
loud sound, roaring
ननु (ind.)
surely, indeed
नभस- (n.)
√नम् (I नमति)
bow, bend (nata)
√नश् (IV नश्यति)
perish, die be lost, be destroyed
नारि- (f.)
निज- (adj.)
one’s own, native
निद्रा- (f.)
निभ- (adj, ifc)
resembling, like
निमित्त- (n.)
sign, omen, cause, reason
निवेशन- (n.)
entrance, house, dwelling
निशा- (f)
night, vision, dream
निश्चय- (m.)
certainty, conviction
नील- (adj.)
dark, especially dark blue/green
नृ-पति- (m.)
lord of men, king
नेत्र- (n.)
पक्ष- (m.)
पत्त्र- (n.)
wing, feather, leaf, letter, document
पत्नी- (f.)
परं-तप- (m.)
burner (= destroyer) of the enemy
परस्पर- (adj. mostly used adverbially)
one another, each other, mutually
परायण- (n.)
final aim, last resort, main object
परिघ- (m.)
iron bar, iron club, any kind of obstacle
√पलाय् (I पलायते)
flee, escape
√पाल् (X पालयति)
पश्चात् (ind)
behind (+Abl or Gen._
पश्चिम- (adj.)
behind, later, last
पान- (n.)
drinking, a drink
पार्श्व- (n.)
side, nearness, proximity
पाश- (m.)
snare, trap, noose
पिता-मह, महापित- (m.)
√पीड् (X पीडयति)
press, squeeze, harm, neglect
पुरः (ind.)
before, in front of
पुरो-हित- (m.)
lit. put in front; domestic priest
flourish, bloom
पुष्प- (n.)
पुष्पित- (adj.)
flowering, in bloom, fully developed
पूर्ण- (adj)
full of, filled with
प्रकृति (f.)
original form, nature, character
प्रथम- (pron adj)
foremost, first
प्रदक्षिण (adj.)
on the right, auspicious, favorable
प्रभाव- (m.)
power, strength
प्रमदा- (f.)
woman, young woman
प्रमाण- (n.)
measure, standard
प्राकार- (m.)
wall, fence, enclosure