EPI LAB CHAPTER 1 Flashcards
Single most common method
to remove the biasing effect of
different age structures in different
Direct Standardization
Is used if ASDRs are unavailable in
the population whose crude death
rate needs to be adjusted
Indirect Standardization
Used if the population to be
standardized is small.
Indirect Standardization
It shows the total number of deaths
that would have occurred in the
standard population if the
individual’s ADRs were applied.
Direct Standardization
Is a measure of one characteristic
of the natural growth or increase in
a population.
Crude Birth Rate
It measures the risk of dying from
causes related to pregnancy,
childbirth, and puerperium.
Maternal Mortality Rate
A useful measure of the progress of
a nation in providing adequate
nutrition and medical care for
pregnant women.
Maternal Mortality Rate
Is the number of live births divided
by the midperiod population.
Crude Birth Rate
It is a good index of the general
health condition of a community
since it reflects the changes in the
environment and medical
conditions of a community.
Infant Mortality Rate
May serve as an index of the effects
of prenatal care and obstetrical
management on the newborn.
Neonatal Mortality Rate
Approximation of the perinatal
mortality rate in which the
denominator does not include
Perinatal Mortality Ratio
When a population is divided into
more homogenous subgroups
based on particular characteristics
of interests.
Specific Rate
Measures the impact of a certain
cause in the population in terms of
Cause-specific death rate
Proportion of persons who have a condition during a particular time.
Transition from well to ill
Persons unaffected at the
beginning but experience a risk
event during the study period.
Useful for comparing disease frequency in different locations, at different times, or among different groups.
Proportion of the
population that
develops illness
during an
Attack rate or incidence proportion
Proportion of the
population that has
a health condition
at a point in time.
Prevalence rate
Proportion of
persons with the
disease who die
from it.
Case-fatality rate