EPI exam 3 - Week 4! Flashcards
If you have two groups of independent data in an ordinal data set what type of test would you run?
Mann-Whitney test
If you have three or more groups of Independent data in an ordinal data set what type of test would you run?
Kruskal-Wallis test
If you have two groups of related data in a ordinal data set what type of test would you run?
Wilcoxon Signed Rank test
If you have three or more groups of Paired/Related Data in a ordinal data set what type of test would you run?
Friedman test
What are the three post-hoc tests for ordinal data?
Student-Newman-Keul test, Dunnett test, Dunn test
What is the difference between the Student-Newman-Keul test and the Dunnett test?
Dunnett compares against a single control and SNK compares all possible comparisons
What is the difference between a Dunn and Dunnet/SNK test?
The Dunn test is useful when all groups are not of equal size
If you have two groups of independent data in an interval data set what type of test should you run?
Student t-test
If you have three or more groups of independent data in an interval data set what type of test should you run?
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
If you have three or more groups of independent data with confounders in an interval data set what type of test should you run?
If you have two groups of related data in an interval data set what type of test should you run?
Paired t-test
If you have three or more groups of related data in an interval data set what type of test should you run?
Repeated measures ANOVA
If you have three or more groups of paired data with confounders in an interval data set what type of test should you run?
Repeated Measures of ANCOVA
What are the five post-hoc tests for interval data?
Student-Newman-Keul test, Dunnett test, Dunn test, Tukey or Scheffe, and Bonferroni correction
Which type of interval post-hoc test is the most conservative?
Scheffe test