EPHE midterm multiple choice Flashcards
The three health domains of being, belonging, and becoming are identified in which health model?
The Quality of Life Model
The Dietary energy intake that is predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy adult of a defined age, sex, weight, height and level of physical activity consistant with good health is known as:
EER -Estimated Energy Requirement
5 components of emotional intelligence are
Self-awareness, altruism, personal motivation, empathy, the ability to love/be loved
3 essential maconutrients that are important to our diet are:
Carbs, protein, fats
The way we think, act and hold values such as being loyal represent what type of values?
The ability to respond to routine physical demands with enough energy left over to cope with possible sudden challenges describes what term?
Physical Fitness
Someone with type 2 diabetes might need to understand how much carbohydrate- containing food id likely to raise their blood sugar. Which term shoud they be famiiar with in this regard?
Glycemic index
An individual who has had serveral set backs in their life, yet is able to cope with disapointment successfully would be what term?
The process of enabling people to increase control and inprove their health is what?
Health Promotion
People who autonomous base their decision making process about lifestyle choices on:
Their locus of control
- Help put essential macros to use in our body
- Produce the right chemical reactions at the right times
- Can be either fat soluble or water soluble
The Continuum of Eating Responces includes:
- A balanced diet
- Occational overeating or skipping meals
- Overeating or fasting under stress
Self-efficientcy is?
Someone who is confident they can cange their ways and overcoe a challenge.
Halbert Dunn’s definition of wellness
Direction and progress toward a higher potential of functioning; the total individual; functioning and adapting for daily living and in times of crisis.
Muscular endurance
The capacity to sustain repeated muscle actions
Our ability to percieve reality as it is, to respond to it’s challenges, and to develope rational strategies for living describes:
Mental Health
Each gram of fat has how many calories?
According to Hans Selye, which of the following phrases desribes eustress?
Just the right amt of stress
WHO defines health as:
Not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
Income effect and Substitution effect are both components of a new area of research called?
Economics and Obesity? (maybe)
What type of defene mechanism is an individual using who convinces themselves its ok the cheat on the midterm because they didn’t have time to study
When the body adapts to a lower level of physical demands -what exercise principle does tis link to?
Reversibility principle
The waist circumference measurment is?
- Used along with body mass index as a particular indicator of risk associated with excess abdonminal fat
- Has cut off points for men and women
The three most common types of procrastination are…
Putting off unpleasent things, putting off difficult takes, and putting off tough decisions
Students dealing with an intense and extended period of grief linked to the loss of a loved one:
Complicated grief
An individuals disbeleif that veruse of social media can interfere with academic excellence, mental heal, even though supports this idea. What defense mechanism is this ?
3 types of factors that influence behaviours
Enabling, predicosing, reinforcing
Demands that are ongoing and create anxiety and stress over a long period of time can be defined as ehat type of stressor?
chronic stresser
Is a form of fat manufactured in our bodies that circulate our blood
CSEP recommends that adults aged 18 - 64 add muscle and bone strengthening activities using major muscle groups
At least 2 days per week
Incorporating healthy physical spaces into city design proposals and healthy community policies are examples of how a community can best assist in decreasing:
Weight descrimination
According to First Nations Perspective on Health and Wellness, what does the Fifth Circle represent?
The influence of environmental, economic, cultural, and social determinants of health and wellbeing
Physical literacy has been defined as?
The motivation, physical conpetence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.
Hirichi introduced four social bonds that he believed helped reduce the risk of adoption of unhealthy lifestyles are:
Attachment, Investment, Belief, Involvement
What term describes when a person constantly compares their body to others and then feels disatisfied and anxious about their own body image?
Social physique anxiety